Below you can find all of the major Lumia Stream releases and their corresponding patch notes.
- 8.3.2
- 8.3.1
- 8.3.0
- 8.2.1
- 8.2.0
- 8.1.1
- 8.1.0
- 8.0.1
- 8.0.0
- 7.5.4
- 7.5.3
- 7.5.2
- 7.5.1
- 7.5.0
- 7.4.1
- 7.4.0
- 7.3.0
- 7.2.1
- 7.2.0
- 7.1.0
- 7.0.2
- 7.0.1
- 7.0.0
- 6.4.8
- 6.4.7
- 6.4.5
- 6.4.0
- 6.3.5
- 6.3.1
- 6.3.0
- 6.2.6
- 6.2.5
- 6.2.0
- 6.1.7
- 6.1.6
- 6.1.5
- 6.1.3
- 6.1.2
- 6.1.1
- 6.1.0
- 6.0.2
- 6.0.1
- 6.0.0
- 5.5.0
- 5.4.2
- 5.4.0
- 5.3.2
- 5.3.0
- 5.2.2
- 5.2.1
- 5.2.0
- 5.1.9
- 5.1.6
- 5.1.0
- 5.0.9
- 5.0.8
- 5.0.7
- 5.0.6
- 5.0.5
- 5.0.4
- 5.0.13
- 5.0.12
- 5.0.11
- 5.0.10
- 5.0.0
8.3.2 - Hotfix for shoutout clips
- Fixed shoutout clips for overlays
8.3.1 - VoiceMod V3 integration and hotfixes
- Added VoiceMod V3 compatibility
- Added user-levels for Kick
- Added badges for kick
- Added Ban/Unban alert for Kick
- Added Host alert for Kick
- Added TTS voices for Turkish, Arabic, Dutch, and Swedish
- Fixed BRB and shoutout clips for overlays
- Fixed Twitter connection
8.3.0 - Animation Audio Generator, Kick API
- Added Animation audio generator to create animations to the beat of your music
- Integrated new Kick API
- Added general settings to the command creation modal
- Made animation preview clickable for navigating through slots
- Added Lumia Language Detector for translating chat
- Enhanced System command and Chat match functionality
- Improved styling of system commands
- Added point variables {{user_rank}} and {{total_rank}} in helper
- Switched Twitch API from pubSub to eventSub
- Updated custom code docs: documentation issue for Nanoleaf panel IDs in Lumia Stream
- Made text fields responsive
- Chat messages will now be deleted when a user is timed out or banned like Twitch does
- Added bulk edit for animations
- Resolved issue where all Lumia Tutorials audio played simultaneously when viewing Release Notes
- Fixed Lumia crashing when downloading certain animations from Community
- Improved app stability to prevent breaking if CMS changes or is down
- Fixed issue where General sendColor commands failed to control all lights in Custom Code
- Fixed UI bug when opening Manage alert in the Alert layer
- Fixed issue where the Animation page preview showed only black when returning from an animation
- Fixed error when downloading community items with sound
- Resolved issue where Lumia tip message was not displayed in Lumia Stream
Version 8.2.1 - Hotfix for community downloads
- Fixed error when downloading with sound from community
- Fixed community preview not updating after download
Version 8.2.0 - Meld, Roulette, Slots, Duel, Folder Watcher, Command Conditions
- Added Meld Studio integration
- Added mini game Roulette to chat bot commands
- Added mini game Slots to chat bot commands
- Added mini game Duel to chat bot commands
- Added Command Conditions that allow you to set IF statements on when a command should run
- Added variable {{get_user_loyalty_points={{message}}}} to get a user's loyalty point balance
- Added a variable for the loyalty points currency name
- Change Image URL in Overlay action Add spinwheel item to a selector
- Added Folder Watcher
- Added win table for slots game
- Added Turkish language
- Added reset page if migration is failing
- Added {{twitch_last_clip_thumbnail_url}} variable for use in commands
- Fixed issue where dynamic options would deleted actions when disabled
- Fixed issue where only the first item was recognized by file watcher
- Fixed a problem where OBS Actions were not properly converted to Custom Code
- Fixed an issue where OBS types are empty when editing OBS actions
- Fixed dashboard connections misaligning when the connection name is too long
- Fixed alignement of NEW sign in settings and overlays
- Fixed crashes when action has no content
- Fixed an issue when Lumia actions to clear cooldowns didn't work
8.1.1 TikTok hot fix
- Fixed issues where TikTok wasn't connecting due to changes on the API
Version 8.1.0 - Youtube Multi Stream Chat box, Youtube Vertical Live support, Twitch Shared Chat support
- Added ability to listen to two Youtube Live streams at the same time
- Added support for Youtube Vertical Live
- Added shared chat to our chat dashboard widget and overlay chat box for Stream together on Twitch
- Added ability to delete messages on Youtube from Chat box using right click context menu on the message
- Added ability to delete messages on Twitch from Chat box using right click context menu on the message
- Voicemod Sound and Voice actions can now use variables
- Added test option in Voicemod actions
- Now when a message is deleted on Twitch it will also delete from the Chat box and overlays
- Added alerts category to HFX
- Voicemod TTS voices have been taken down. So we will default to your built in TTS that's on your computer
- Fixed issue where command name collisions wouldn't allow command to be changed with different capitalization
- Fixed issue where Legacy overlays would no longer connect
- Fixed issue where Twitch Prime subs reacted differently from Lumia
- Fixed issue where some BRB clips would not play in Overlays
- Fixed issue where VLC would not trigger actions
- Fixed issue where coming from a much older version would not update the migrations
- Fixed issue where links in notifications would not open
- Fixed Govee scenes causing issues if there are duplicate names
- Fixed issue where the event rotator didn't load the gifter of a sub (Overlays)
- Fixed issues with BRB clips not loading after Twitch changed the URLs (Overlays)
- Fixed issue when the counter variable didn't update in Overlays (Overlays)
- Fixed issue where letters were cut in scrolling text (Overlays)
- Fixed issues with Shoutout clips not loading after Twitch changed the URLs (Overlays)
- Fixed issue where Tapo devices didn't show in the connection list
- Fixed Govee DIY and music scenes can not be selected in Themes
Version 8.0.1 - Hot fixes
- Discord chat {{messageId}} variable can now be used in chat commands
- Implemented sorting functionality within the app for commands, which reflects the order on the website
- Fixed issue where Lumia Link would stop working if no decks were connected
Version 8.0 - Discord, VTube Studio, Loyalty Points, Viewer Queue, Mod Tools, Overlay Marketplace, Mix It Up, Fourthwall, Govee Themes
- Discord integration that can listen to commands, import roles, and send chatbot messages
- VTube Studio integration
- Loyalty Points System has arrived
- Added Loyalty Points Leaderboard Overlay layer
- Viewer Queue System
- Mod Tools System that allows your mods to change your setup live
- Crowd Control integration that allows you to trigger alerts when viewers trigger Crowd Control effects
- Mix It Up integration that can trigger commands from Lumia to Mix it up
- Fourth wall integration with alerts
- Govee Cloud Native Scenes with Lumia Themes
- Overlay Marketplace where you can download and share pre built Overlays
- Dashboard Shortcut Dock widget
- Added Support for Youtube Music Desktop V2
- Twitch Power-Ups alert
- Keylights and plugs will now be auto updated when reconnecting with a new ip address
- VTube Studio art mesh virtual lights
- Added Spotify add song to playlist action (Requires a reconnect to Spotify under Connections)
- Added last_random_input variable so that it can be used in the End tab of actions after using random_input
- Added ability to Pause and Resume the queue
- Added ability to live chat with support to help with Lumia
- Minimum bits will now show even when only variations is ticked
- Followage and Next ad will now show months
- When queue is paused while an item is running the default state will still run after the current queue item is finished
- Queue will not be removed when refreshing changes
- Cooldowns will not be removed when refreshing changes
- Added username variation to Lumia Tips, Twitch Raids, Twitch Bits
- Added prediction variable descriptions
- Added Lumia Alert Variation Toggle Action
- Avatars will now show for popout chatbox
- Updated Cololight scenes to reflect the new names
- Words will now get filtered through filtered words before reaching the overlays
- Added date updated and created for profiles
- Added ability to refresh offline connections like TikTok
- Profiles have now been added to their own tab in Settings
- Added ability to select your Hue bridge if you have multiple
- Added aliases to Chatbot Commands
- Added Tuya USB plugs as a valid plug
- Added better formatting for notifications
- Changed the order of commands page to show newest commands first
- Added a new variable function grab_var_from_msg that allows you to extract variables from a message
- Added new Session types that allow you to change how a session is defined. Options are Manual, Stream End, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
- Added delays to all actions that did not have it
- Added Typing Speed for Keyboard Outputs
- Automations will no longer restart if it hasn't actually changed through an action
- Added Twitch replies to Chat box
- Much less resources will now be taken for Overlays
- Added new Youtube emotes to Overlays
- Added fallback for YouTube member alerts so it is more accurate
- Updated support for new webcommerce versions
- Fixed issue when using Dynamic Default alerts would never become defaults
- Fixed default shoutout command to use the correct variables
- Fixed Twitch Category change action picking a similar name rather than the correct one
- Fixed Automations being created even if your press cancel
- Fixed issue when deleting all global code it does not save
- Fixed Actions showing as filled even if now actions are selected
- Fixed issue where downloading Community items from a deleted user would not work
- Fixed issue where new lights being added would not be included in commands that have selected all lights
- Fixed issue where force closing Lumia would not persist settings
- Fixed SE tip issue when using apostrophes
- Fixed issue where triggering a studio animation from Lumia Link would clog the queue
- Fixed issue where Popout Widgets would stop functioning when page has changed
- Fixed memory leak with Philips Hue on slow mode
- Fixed variable {{prediction_winning_outcome_title}} showing the wrong winner
- Fixed issue with Keylight sometimes showing as off when switching profiles
- Fixed a bug with api_global_response becoming too big
- Fixed TTS cloud causing issues when a % is found in the message
- Fixed TikTok connection issues
- Fixed issue where disabled commands still show on Commands website page
- Fixed Twitch Resubs triggering Entrance alerts twice
- Fixed issue where Twitch chatbot message would not send if greater than 500 characters
- Fixed issue where Key Mouse outputs would not type repeated letters
- Fixed issue where Ad timer would show too many decimals
- Fixed issue where cooldowns persist after Lumia closes
- Fixed issue where Skip Queue was not working correctly when triggered from API
- Fixed issue where Rest API request would hang
- Fixed issue where {{twitch_get_avatar}} wasn't pulling the correct avatar
Version 7.5.3 - Facebook and Tiktok Connection fixes
- Added ability to manually input Facebook Page ID for if no pages are found
- TikTok connection has been fixed
- Offline events will be processed when Lumia stream is loaded
- Adding CORS for rest api
- Added catch for when Lumia is force shut down by task manager to persist before closing
- Fixed filtered words duplicating when removing words
- Fixed issue where Popout widgets would stop retrieving data when page changes
- Fixed issue where Twitch followers would be a number divisible by 100 would cause an error
Version 7.5.3 - Facebook and Tiktok Connection fixes
- Added ability to manually input Facebook Page ID for if no pages are found
- TikTok connection has been fixed
- Offline events will be processed when Lumia stream is loaded
- Adding CORS for rest api
- Added catch for when Lumia is force shut down by task manager to persist before closing
- Fixed filtered words duplicating when removing words
- Fixed issue where Popout widgets would stop retrieving data when page changes
- Fixed issue where Twitch followers would be a number divisible by 100 would cause an error
Version 7.5.2 - New Twitch Chatbot API, Offline Twitch Alerts
- Moving over to use Twitch's new Chatbot API to offer better stability
- Made new Command creation modal more consistent with creating command from scratch
- Offline Twitch Alerts also will be coming soon
- Fixed issue where twitch_last_subscriber variable was not updating
- Fixed issue where settings were not persisting when in debug mode
- Fixed issue where Tip variables were not updating
- Fixed default cycle not being 1
- Fixed input slider going off screen when screen is too small
Version 7.5.1 - Hotfix for Facebook, TTS fix
- Raised TTS limit for cloud voices like Brian to 3000 characters
- Fixed Facebook not updating comments for some
- Fixed issue where TTS voices like Brian were no longer working
- Fixed issue where if a TTS voice fails it should fallback to system default tts
- Fixed issue where Twitch Actions for change category would not choose the correct category
- Fixed issue where some Community shares weren't able to be downloaded
Version 7.5.0 - Popout Widgets, Input Control Serial, Voicemod TTS, Twitch Ad Started Alert
- All dashboard widgets can now popout to be used in their own window
- Highlighting for Overlay alerts can now be done to change the color and animation of username and message
- Highlighting of variables in Overlays can now be done with every layer
- Overlays Event Rotator layer
- Lumia Tip page is now live:
- Added Global Restrictions so that you can ignore users from all chat commands, alerts, and chat matches
- Added bit emotes that will now show in our Chat Boxes
- Startup time has been sped up to boot Lumia within 3 seconds
- Input Control for Serial devices
- Twitch Ad Started / Stopped alerts have now been added
- Dashboard Chat box now shows emotes, platforms, and badges
- Lumia Link Chat box now shows emotes, platforms, and badges
- Voicemod TTS voices have been added
- Added full translations for each language
- Overlay chat box messages show cheer emotes now
- Overlay chat box now shows twitch subscriber alert messages
- Overlay BRB layer option has been added that allows you to show only featured clips
- Adding only featured clips option for Shoutout Overlay Layer
- Hfx will now stop when the command ends even if the video isn't complete, so that you can set your duration to however long you need to
- When triggering a command from Stream Deck, Touch Portal, or any other external it will now show as your username
- Change color of username on Twitch Action has been added
- Free users now get 1GB of storage for overlays
- Overlay alerts now have the ability to push text up, down, left, and right
- Overlay Chat box BTTV channel emotes are now working
- Lumia Link for OBS docks now show emotes and platform logos
- Added better description for subPlanName and subPlan variables
- Raised limit of ChatGPT default token limit
- Added better time formats for followage, get next ad, and uptime variables
- Added translations for followage, get next ad, and uptime variables
- Added various missing variable descriptions
- Added note about TTS character limits
- Overlays show assets full file name on hover
- Fixed issue where first going from Command Creation modal to scratch it would not open the first time
- Fixed Twitch Action clear chat
- Fixed Facebook alerts not registering
- Fixed OBS duplicating the same error
- Fixed issue where Chat bot was showing off visually if multi streaming
- Fixed issue where the Ban reason variable was not coming through
- Fixed Overlay HFX alerts
- Fixed overlay alert variations using random would never trigger the base alert
- Fixed BRB video sizes for different screen resolutions
- Fixed SO clips not being retrieved
- Fixed Twitter actions not showing in alerts for free users
- Fixed twitch followers not getting pulled in for some users
- Fixed Tiktok failing without warning when too many videos are sitting in queue
- Fixed issue where TPLink plugs would not show in connections if no lights were connected
- Fixed issue where downloading a community item with audio would fail
- Fixed issue where Twitter(X) alerts would trigger for ones you've retweeted
- Fixed twitch sub alert not triggering when a gift or prime is upgraded
- Fixed Stream Elements test alerts coming in as real alerts
- Fixed issue where it was hard to differentiate between Kasa and Tapo in connections
- Fixed Studio Themes taking up the full app
- Fixed tabs changing sizes in alerts
- Fixed command runner not running exe's
- Fixed Overlay variable fallbacks
- Fixed Overlay heart rate labels to work with Pulsoid and Hyperate
Version 7.4.1 - BRB, Horizontal Chat Box, Linux Support, Tapo Fix
- Add Linux support (AppImage, Snap)
- Added new Voicemod api to support their new app
- Overlays BRB layer to play your recent clips while you have to step away
- Overlays now has a Horizontal Chat Box
- Overlays Event Rotator
- Global Custom code can now be used so that code can be reused in commands and alerts (Studio > Global Code)
- Added ability to filter event list by platform
- You can now use Private HUDFX inside of Lumia Stream
- Added ability to revoke tokens in Settings > Advanced
- When creating commands in Scratch mode it will show which tabs have already been used
- Fixed Tapo, requires a reconnection to Tapo
- Fixed issue where twitch extension gets activated when adding a command even if lumia is off
- Fixed issue where auto convert twitch action does not work correctly
- Fixed issue where Studio Reactions and Animations could not be added
- Fixed issue where creating an extension command with 0 bits would error
- Fixed issue where Studio Themes could not be added
- Fixed issue where Buildups were showing incorrect lights chosen
- Fixed issue where new followers wouldn't be counted as a new follower immediately for chat commands
- Fixed issue where Streamdeck Overlay Visibility would not work
- Fixed issue where automation doesn't trigger if set for a full hour
- Fixed issue where changing the order of extension tabs would not save
- Fixed get_commands and get_all_commands auto fill
- Fixed issue where chat gpt would send the system message on every prompt instead of just the first
- Fixed issue where event list new items would not be filtered
- Fixed issue where Youtube would detect a new live stream every time a refresh settings is clicked
- Fixed OBS issue where Group warning would show every time
Version 7.4.0 - BRB, Horizontal Chat Box, Linux Support, Tapo Fix
- Add Linux support (AppImage, Snap)
- Added new Voicemod api to support their new app
- Overlays BRB layer to play your recent clips while you have to step away
- Overlays now has a Horizontal Chat Box
- Overlays Event Rotator
- Global Custom code can now be used so that code can be reused in commands and alerts (Studio > Global Code)
- Added ability to filter event list by platform
- You can now use Private HUDFX inside of Lumia Stream
- Added ability to revoke tokens in Settings > Advanced
- When creating commands in Scratch mode it will show which tabs have already been used
- Fixed Tapo, requires a reconnection to Tapo
- Fixed issue where twitch extension gets activated when adding a command even if lumia is off
- Fixed issue where auto convert twitch action does not work correctly
- Fixed issue where Studio Reactions and Animations could not be added
- Fixed issue where creating an extension command with 0 bits would error
- Fixed issue where Studio Themes could not be added
- Fixed issue where Buildups were showing incorrect lights chosen
- Fixed issue where new followers wouldn't be counted as a new follower immediately for chat commands
- Fixed issue where Streamdeck Overlay Visibility would not work
- Fixed issue where automation doesn't trigger if set for a full hour
- Fixed issue where changing the order of extension tabs would not save
- Fixed get_commands and get_all_commands auto fill
- Fixed issue where chat gpt would send the system message on every prompt instead of just the first
- Fixed issue where event list new items would not be filtered
- Fixed issue where Youtube would detect a new live stream every time a refresh settings is clicked
- Fixed OBS issue where Group warning would show every time
Version 7.3.0- Kick alerts, Twitter (X) alerts and actions, Twitch Poll and Prediction actions, Corsair Fi
- Twitter (X) alerts and actions have returned
- Added Kick Follow alert (But the username will say unknown for now)
- Added Kick Subscriber alert
- Added Kick Gift Subscription alert
- Added Kick Host alert
- Added Kick User Banned alert
- Added Kick User Unbanned alert
- Added Twitch create and end Poll actions
- Added Twitch create and end Prediction actions
- Added VLC Now Playing Overlay layer
- Implemented Corsair's new sdk. Will need to reconnect to corsair by heading to Connections > Edit Corsair
- Twitter actions are hidden at the moment
- Donations are now called tips for eliminating confusion
- Added check box to allow Chat GPT to keep history of chatter
- Enhanced Twitch Points to auto link on first boot
- Twitch was sending yourself as a subscriber adding an extra subscriber. We will now filter this one out
- OSC Input control will now listen on all network interfaces allowing other computers to talk to your computer on the same network
- Fixed OSC input control
- Fixed issue where automations were ignoring days of the week
- Fixed bug where a command can have no name which causes a crash
- Fixed link in custom code
- Fixed Overlays Tier in alert box
- Fixed issue where import actions to custom code wasn't shown on the new chat creation
- Fixed Twitter followers, but Twitter has deprectated the followers api, so only unknown will show when a new follower comes in
- Fixed Twitch points saying that it needs to be reconnected after a few hours
- Fixed issue with Twitch points not auto fulfilling after a few hours
- Fixed overlays spinwheel remove all items bug
- Fixed custom code in alerts showing a value even if no code was added
- Fixed issue where Reactions were able to receive the same name if the case was different
- Fixed issue where Twitch Points would stop being auto fulfilled after multiple hours
- Fixed MQTT Input Control
- Fixed Serial Input Control
Version 7.2.1: Fix Tiktok, OBS Image and Media FIle actions
- Added {{get_random_file_from_folder}} variable function
- Added OBS Image File Set action
- Added OBS Media File Set action
- Added OBS Generic File Set action
- Added OBS Generic Url Set action
- Fix Tiktok Connection
Version 7.2.0: Raffles, TikTok Official, Spotify widget, Donation page, Youtube Music
- Raffles have arrived!
- Official TikTok support (Will require a TikTok reconnect in Lumia)
- TikTok Upload and Publish Video action
- TikTok Upload Draft Video action
- New Spotify Now Playing widgets with themes in Overlays
- Youtube Music Desktop Integration
- Added Spin Wheel Winner alert
- Added Poll Started, Poll Progressed, and Poll Ended alerts
- Added Lumia action that can call a command
- Added Lumia action that can call a random command
- Added OBS Replay Buffer Saved alert
- Added OBS Vendor Event for third party obs plugins alert
- Added OBS Vertical Backtrack Saved alert
- {{get_latest_file_from_folder}} variable function has been added
- Major automations update to make timers work much better when not using schedules
- Twitch Followers requires a new permission for followers so reconnect is required
- Facebook Chat and Reactions now use a different method and will work again
- OBS and SLOBS alerts will not trigger the corresponding alert if Lumia just triggered it through an action
- Support new LifX products including zones
- obs_vertical_replay variable
- Enhanced Overlays Emote Box and Emotesplosions
- Added ability to auto hide layers in Overlays. The option can be found under Appearance after selecting a layer
- Woocommerce Order alert now has an option to hide the users name
- Spin wheel is now limited to only 60 items to make the user experience better
- Minimum bits will be ignored now when only variations are on
- Added option to delete Event list items
- Glimesh has been removed (RIP Glimesh)
- Fuze will not send the same color if the previous color was the same to save resources
- Added option for chat polling for facebook
- Improved auto reconnecting when internet goes offline
- Chat Box will now show display name instead of username
- Improved Fuze video to be more saturation accurate
- Added a popup when adding certain overlay actions recommending to change certain commands to skip queue
- Added Dynamic Options like Skip Queue into the new Command Creation Modal
- Fixed issue with Wyze not connecting anymore
- Fixed issue where Chat Bot commands would ignore new chat bot messages
- Fixed subgift variations always sending 5
- Fixed issue where skip replay words would look disabled
- Fixed chat gpt top p error
- Fixed issue where toggling spotify play/pause on the start tab would not allow it to be fired on the end tab
- Fixed Extralife spam when an error happens
- Fixed issue where changing audio volume via bulk edit would also remove the file
- Fixed issue where donation currency would not be added to the final variation
- Fixed issue where overlays were not accepting certain types of encoded images
- Fixed BTTV emotes not working in overlays
- Fixed fit to screen button in overlays
- Fixed issue where TTS and Audio could not be played at the same time
- Fixed issue where poll chat bot messages wouldn't work if coming from OBS
Version 7.1.0: Kick User Levels, Spotify song url, New Connection Page Experience
- Kick User Levels have been added (User, MOD, VIP, Subscriber)
- Spotify songs can now use direct urls to request songs
- Overlays Emotesplosions for Alerts
- Overlays shoutout themes
- Glass Overlay Chat Box theme
- New connection page experience
- Custom Javascript can now be viewed and added from the Community Tab
- Added timestamp variable for all commands and alerts
- Updated dashboard widgets to all include titles
- Added a new state for connection when not live it will show orange instead of red
- Alphebitize widgets list
- Added ability to clear all spin wheel items with a Lumia Action
- Spotify set volume slider will now default to 100
- uptime variable translation
- Kofi donations will now be included in the general donation variables
- Kofi order variables will only update for shop orders now
- Kofi alerts will pass the raw data to variables
- Fixed overlays credits not showing mods
- Fixed Streamlabs Donation alert
- Fixed issue where Queue would get stuck if Studio linked item was deleted from the command/alert
- Fixed issue where creating a new Command for File Watcher would cause the button to stay disabled
- Fixed Facebook not reconnecting after going offline and then online
- Fixed issue where Free users were not able to create up to 8 commands
- Fixed Lumia Closed event
- Fixed Elgato Ring Lights from not being discovered
- Fixed Starting/stopping Fuze via shortcut or Fuze menu from being a valid dynamic default
- Fixed TIktok not showing as live when it goes live
- Fixed custom resolution overlays not showing the grid
- Fixed Tiktok connection not showing as connected
- Fixed Streamelements donations being ran twice
- Fixed Tiktok not reconnecting automatically
- Fixed MIDI input control overriding previous input when editing
Version 7.0.2: Hotfixes for Overlay connection, Razer, and Nanoleaf
- Kick integration has now arrived, alerts are currently limited until we get more access, but chat commands are available
- Chat GPT integration
- Tapo Lights and Plug support
- System Alerts (Lumia Opened, Closed, Stream Mode On/Off)
- Overlay Spin Wheel Game
- Overlay Polls
- Added option in tray to hide HUD
- Added ability to use True/False types with OSC
- Fixed issue where Kick replies would not show in Chat Box
- Fixed Razer connection
- Fixed Nanoleaf issue where brightness less than 100% would not trigger
Version 7.0.1: Hotfixes for Overlay connection
- Kick integration has now arrived, alerts are currently limited until we get more access, but chat commands are available
- Chat GPT integration
- Tapo Lights and Plug support
- System Alerts (Lumia Opened, Closed, Stream Mode On/Off)
- Overlay Spin Wheel Game
- Overlay Polls
- Major hotfix for Overlay connections
- Added option in tray to hide HUD
- Added ability to use True/False types with OSC
- Fixed First Chatter variations
- Fixed issue when trying to make TikTok or Kick active in User Levels it would select both
- Fixed issue where delay for alerts and commands are limite was limited to 10 seconds
Version 7.0.0: Kick, Chat GPT, Tapo, Overlay Polls and Spin Wheel
- Kick integration has now arrived, alerts are currently limited until we get more access, but chat commands are available
- Chat GPT integration
- Tapo Lights and Plug support
- System Alerts (Lumia Opened, Closed, Stream Mode On/Off)
- File Watcher Input Control (Gives you the ability to create commands that are called when a file or folder is changed)
- Command creation just became a lot easier with the Command Creation helper
- Twitch Charity alerts
- Overlay Spin Wheel Game
- Overlay Polls
- First Chatter alerts for when the very first user chats during that session
- Entrance alerts for when a user chats for the first time that session
- Ability to exclude lights by default (Settings > Excluded Lights)
- Added option to wait for TTS in commands and alerts
- Added a way to convert actions to custom code when creating a command from scratch
- Updated Twitter integration. Twitter alerts will not work for now, but commands will
- Overlay actions for Spin Wheel Game
- Overlay actions for Polls
- Facebook Stream Live and Offline alerts
- Spotify action Search and Play will actually play immediately now
- Spotfy Next In Queue variables
- Spotify Queue variable
- Added ability to download HUDFX gif directly in Lumia
- Voicemod variables for previous and current voice
- {{avatar}} variable to Twitch Clip and Raid alerts
- Chat Match will now have a name field
- Remove Twitch Host alerts
- Fuze will now filter out any lights that do not have Fast mode
- Updated Interactive colors
- Just Giving charity donations can now be accepted as a Streamlabs Charity event now
- Ability to search for HUDFX in Overlay Actions
- Added ability to Clear Queue from shortcuts
- Added back ability to use variables in Lookup fields. For instance OBS fields can use variables again
- Variables values will now be blurred by default to avoid sensitive data being shown
- Added Lookup fields for all Overlay Actions
- Twitch Stream is live variable will now be updated when Lumia turns on
- Chat Match is now it's own tab in Commands
- Chat Match is now case insensitive
- Added local fonts to overlays
- Added ability to use brightness with Nanoleaf themes
- Added Twitch Clip and Send to Variable action
- Buildups now can use Manage Lights
- Heart Rate Sync now can use Manage Lights
- Added twitch_get_avatar variable function that can get an avatar based on a username
- Fixed Goal count not updating if variable isn't created before
- Fixed crash when opening Control Center > Keylights
- Fixed issue with Broadlink not connecting after they released an update
- Fixed studio themes not showing the WLED colors when editing
- Fixed Custom Code action deleteStoreItem
- Fixed MQTT not working for alerts
- Fixed OBS actions not showing correctly when editing them
- Fixed Stream Element replays
- Fixed custom code Overlay Shoutout function
- Fixed Custom Code in marketplace not displaying the correct code when searching
- Fixed issue when importing from a Chatbot Command
- Fixed issue where there would be a small chance to receive a duplicate subscriber
- Fixed issue where saving custom code storage would cause refresh changes to pop up
- Fixed no move key/mouse outputs
- Fixed issue where variables will sometimes get disconnected from overlays
- Fixed Twitch Viewers
- Fixed issue where users logging in using Twitch would show browser not supported
- Fixed issue where searching for an HFX would not search correctly
- Fixed issue where items weren't showing in the queue
- Fixed issue when using voice would say a default message Please select a message
- Fixed issue where gift subs and subs would not trigger if fired right after another
Version 6.4.8: Hot fixes
- Fixed crash when using alert variation currency
Version 6.4.7: Hot fixes
- Fixed crash when opening Control Center > Keylights
- Fixed issue with Broadlink not connecting after they released an update
- Fixing MIDI Input Control
- Fixed issue where refresh changes sometimes won't show when typing in a chatbot message in alerts
- Fixed styling issue where Studio Reactions would look really weird on a small screen size
- Fixed Twitter Action fields not showing the full description
- Fixed issue where Twitch Points would lose connection after 40 hours of being connected
- Fixed issue where Woocommerce was showing the customers first name in event list
Version 6.4.5: UI updates, Aitum Vertical Plugin Binds, Facebook Improvements
- Added binds for Aitum OBS Vertical Plugin for OBS Actions
- Added ability to hide Chat Bot messages in Overlays, Lumia Link, and Dashboard Chat List (Commands > Chat Bot Commands > Chat Bot Settings)
- Added Custom Code actions function that can call any action that Lumia uses
- Added ability to set any bit amounts
- Facebook Fans can now be used with the Facebook preference
- Major UI update to all input fields throughout the app making things cleaner and more consistent
- Added ability to edit and view duration for slots for Animations in a birds eye view
- Added an HFX tab in commands so that you can change the volume and select the overlay layer
- Cleaned up Variables page
- Importing a command will now show the command at the top of the list
- Event List now considers Twitch Shoutouts in the Others category
- Facebook Reactions will now show username and avatar
- Facebook Fans and Followers will now send an alert even if you aren't streaming
- Added log and console.log functions for custom code that will show a toast and add a log to the dashboard
- Added deleteVariable function for custom code that can delete one or many variables at once
- Added mod and subscriber fields that weren't showing in userLevelsRaw variable
- When you update a Living Scene to the Community it will now keep it's configuration
- Twitch Points will try to auto reconnect if they get disconnected
- Logs will not reset when Lumia turns on
- Fixed issue where Extra Life would not work anymore
- Fixed issue where Donor Drive would not work anymore
- Fixed variables for Streamer.Bot args
- Fixed issue where typing in OBS action field would throw multiple errors
- Fixed Streamer.Bot actions not sending variables to Streamer.Bot
- Fixed Overlay Goals Facebook Reaction Count
- Fixed Facebook Total Follower Count variable
- Fixed issue where testing a living scene would not run the Living Scene
Version 6.4.0: Upload your own HUDFX, Twitch Shoutout, Loupedeck
- Added ability to upload your own HUDFX
- Loupedeck and Razer Stream controller are now supported
- Added ability to issue a Free Ticket for Twitch Extensions in case something goes wrong
- Added Twitch Shoutout Action
- Added Twitch Shoutout Receive Alert
- Added {{avatar}} variable to various Twitch alerts
- Added Chat Bot to Queue Order
- Twitch Extension redeems will now show in Event List even if Lumia Stream is offline
- When turning on Twitch Alerts it will now tell you if you've enabled the correct permissions or not
- Fix Tiktok Chat Commands
- Fixed crash on HFX tutorials page
- Fixed Input Control items creating a new bind when an old one is edited
- Fixed Twitch Clips not getting more recent clips
- Fixed Stream Elements alerts from triggering twice
- Fixed issue where Twitch Shoutouts would not work if the same clip was loaded one after another
- Fixed issue when changing action types would not reset the value
- Fixed Treatstream
- Fixed issue with duplicated HFX
- Fixed issue where Keylights would not show state in default lights
Version 6.3.5: QR Code for Webhooks, Overlay Alerts for Twitch Points and Extension
- Added QR code option for Webhooks
- Added ability to rearrange folders
- Overlay Alerts will now have Twitch Point Commands as an option
- Overlay Alerts will now have Twitch Extension Commands as an option
- Added ability to tell Lumia Stream to start the connections when it opens or not. (Settings > General)
- Variables that are empty will no longer be replaced with TEST. Instead it will just be blank
- Separating Event List Twitch Extension and Twitch Points into their own types
- Added ability to reorder folders
- Ability to filter commands based on active/inactive state
- Added {{prompt}} as a valid variable for Twitch Extension Commands
- When switching profiles Lumia Stream will now make sure it goes through the shut down process first
- Lumia Stream will now ignore Media Keys so it doesn't override your other media
- Fixed issue where replaying Twitch Extension commands would trigger the bit alert
- Remove annoying toast when chat match is triggered
- Stop allowing Overlays from being created with the same name
- Fixed Streamelements replays not triggering
- Fixed issue where creating an HFX as a Twitch Point with a space would cause it not to work
- Fixed issue where some tutorials wouldn't work correctly causing an error
- Fixed issue where Studio Animations in an Automation would stop the queue
- Fixed issue when using send as yourself in a chatbot command would still send as the Lumia Stream chatbot
- Fixed Stream Element Replay alerts
- Fixed Avatar not showing for some Twitch alerts
- Fixed crash when opening up Manage Overlays in Studio Animations
- Fixed crash when opening up Manage Streamer Bot in Studio Animations
- Fixed issue when updating an Input Event would change the order of the list
- Fixed issue where animations would block the queue if triggered from an Input Event
- Fixed issue where Studio Heart Rate Sync's trigger down button would always show disabled
- Fixed issue where using the same media file in two alerts would cause it to not work
- Fixed issue where disabled input event was still triggering
Version 6.3.1 Bug fixes, Youtube Stream Live/Offline, Legacy Overlay improvements
- YouTube Stream Live and Stream Offline alerts
- Add Twitch slash (/) commands
- {{get_queue_count}} variable that gets the current count of the items in the queue
- Virtual Lights can now be used in Themes
- Legacy Overlays can now be used in Themes
- Legacy Overlays can now be used in Manage Lights
- Fixed issue where Spotify would disconnect
- Fixed issue with MQTT
- Fixed issue where HFX would not work on a new account
- Fixed issue where automations wouldn't fire because of old chat lines
- Fixed issue where all quotes were being removed from all variables. Now rawMessage will still have the original quotes
- Fixed issue where deleting an overlay would not also remove the open HUD on boot
Version 6.3.0 Broadlink RF, Now Playing, HUD updates
- Added Broadlink RF control
- Added Now Playing integration
- Added Twitch Channel Join/Leave alerts
- Added Twitch User Timeout alert
- Added Twitch User Timeout Over alert
- Added Ban/Unban Twitch Actions
- Added Twitch Actions for Add/Remove Blocked Words
- Added Twitch Actions for Add/Remove VIPS
- Added Twitch Action to send an Announcement with color
- Added Timeout Twitch Actions
- Added Delete Message Twitch Actions
- Added Overlay Actions to Custom Code
- Twitch Extension redeems will now show as bits and be counted in Bit variables
- Added avatar, channelDescription, and channelViews variables to chat commands, twitch points, and twitch extension commands
- Added ability to receive full new Twitter Retweet variables including the username of who retweeted
- Added ability to use variables in Overlay Actions
- Added ability to play/pause media using Overlay Actions
- Fuze Video Ignore Black Pixels Option
- Fuze Video Fixed Brightness set to 100% will now actually make your lights 100% bright
- Fuze Audio Sensitivity addition
- Major new Fuze Audio algorithm that makes things much more accurate
- Fuze Audio Sensitivity Lumia Action and API option to change sensitivity on the fly
- If a Chat Command or Folder is off it will actually be off now and will no longer be able to trigger from Test, Streamdeck, Chat, API, Webhooks, or any source
- Commands Page will now show chatbot commands
- Memory improvement for the app
- Known bots will be filtered out of Viewers list as well as Channel Join/Leave alerts
- Twitter Followers and Retweets will now show in the Event List
- Twitter will now only use the last tweet to receive likes and retweets instead of last 10
- Added Hype Train icon to Event List
- Added Performance Options in Settings
- Alerts will now skip the queue when skip queue is on for them, but variations will use the settings of the main alert
- Added {{duration}} variable in all commands that can be used to determine the length of the command
- Filtered words will now be case insensitive
- Upgrading Legacy Overlays to support new server
- Changed Event List retweet wording to retweeted your tweet
- Added {{cooldown_time_remaining}} variable to show how many seconds are remaining in your cooldown
- Added volume option to each HFX command so that you can change your volume on a case by case basis
- Added test button in HFX add
- HFX overlay layers will now be queued. So sending multiple ones will wait for the last one to finish
- Added volume option in HFX overlay actions
- Added Layer option in HFX overlay actions
- Fixed Hud Object destroyed error
- Fixed issue where Tweets weren't being sent
- Fixed issue where Input Control values would not persist for OSC, MIDI, and MQTT
- Fixed issue where HUD would not go past the task bar
- Fixed issue where HUD was tabbable
- Fixed issue where Streamelements Stars would not work correctly
- Fixed donation count and donation amount not updating
- Fixed Govee plugs not triggering
- Fixed Spotify error when no album artwork is sent
- Fixed Fuze from shortcut or studio page would make it become the dynamic default
- Fixed issue where changing prompt required for a Twitch point would not change after the point was created
- Fixed issue where displayname was always using username
- Fixed issue where HUD would not close when Lumia closes
- Fixed default state for Broadlink
- Fixed default state for Serial
- Fixed default state for MQTT
- Fixed crash when adding Websocket actions
- Fixed issue where multiple chat commands were able to be created if it had different casing
- Fixed Event List Hype Train translation
- Fixed Overlays Alert box types for new Twitch Alerts
- Fixed issue where Event List would show Clips if Others was unselected
- Fixed HFX play audio button
Version 6.2.6 HUD, HFX, Webhooks, Custom Chat Bot Commands
- Added HFX options that make it wasy to add a Hud Effect to a command, twitch point, or twitch extension
- Added ability to create Custom Chatbot Commands
- Added Webhooks that can trigger commands
- Added ability to dig into variables that have objects using dot notation
- Added up to 8 Chat, 8 Twitch Points, and 8 Twitch Extension commands that can be used in the free version
- Added OBS Recording Start and OBS Recording Stopped alerts along with obs_last_recording_path variable
- Added Custom CSS to each Overlay Layer
- Added Tiktok Resolution for Overlays
- Added Donation Goals for Overlay
- Added actionsToStop in done for Custom Code to stop individual actions instead of the whole command
- Added tray icon for HUD when it's open
- Added better naming for Variation Conditions
- Tiktok will not listen to alerts that are off
- Added get_commands variable that will get all commands that the user who triggered the command can use and that are on
- Added get_all_commands variable that will get all commands that are on
- Added getCommands() helper function to custom code that will get all chat commands and chatbot commands that the user who triggered the command can use and that are on
- Added getAllCommands() helper function to custom code that will get all commands
- Custom Code showToast will now show objects and arrays
- Added toggle Fuze button from directly in Studio > Fuze
- Process all session gift subs even if only one gift sub is on
- When importing an OBS source it will now add the name Source after
- Stop auto playing youtube videos on tutorials
- Switch Tiktok Diamond Count references to Coins
- Added confirmation when deleting a bookmarked color
- Added ability to disable Twitch Points and Twitch Extension commands when the folder is set to disable/enable
- Fixed issue where Twitch Points when folders were off would still turn on the Twitch Point
- Fixed an issue where HUD would not sit on top of some games
- Fixed Youtube chat messages not coming in the correct order
- Fixed Patreon Connection
- Fixed Youtube SuperChat and Supersticker doubling
- Fixed app crop styling when on Custom Code
- Fixed custom code {{command}} variable not being passed when callCommand is called
- Fixed Woocommerce issue
- Fixed manage overlay actions typo
- Fixed wyze missing translation
- Fixed Overlay Credits bug
- Fixed issue where OBS variations weren't showing in the free version
- Fixed UI where the save button wouldn't stay at the bottom in commands
- Fixed Twitch Gift subs from showing as multiple gifts when it's only one using the Twitch Preference
- Fixed issue where Chat Bot isHere command wouldn't work if the name was edited
- Fixed Streamlabs Donation bug
- Fixed app being cut off from the right when screen is too small
- Fixed Chat Bot commands not showing overlay actions and user levels
- Fixed random tts that wasn't working
- Fixed issue where list was not populating when event list was being filtered
- Fix Chat Box Overlay Layer not receiving Tiktok messages
- Fix Chat Bot messages not respecting cooldowns from the Chat Bot tab
- Fixed Overlay Copy Link that wasn't working
- Fixed issue where TPLink lights and plugs would duplicate everytime you add them
- Fixed issue where Overlay Actions were not being edited
- Fixed issue were Twitter Followers would keep triggering
- Fixed issue where TikTok gifts would not trigger when Likes are off
- Fixed issue where TikTok Chat mesages would not show up on the browser
- Fixed Chat Bot cooldowns
- Fixed issue where Custom Code still shows added even though it was removed
- Fixed issue where Streamdeck and Touch portal sending in a studio animation cycle would always set it to 1
- Fixed scrolling issue on Govee connection page
- Fixed issue where filters weren't working correctly on folders when commands were being added
- Fixed copy link issue with Overlays
- Fixed scrolling issue for Govee connection page
- Fixed Govee Cloud not turning lights off
- Fixed folder renaming bug
- Fixed pricing translations
- Fixed issue where queue Chat bot check box would not select
- Fixed OBS stream start/end from triggering twice
- Fixed session end not triggering on OBS stream end
- Fixed issue where bulk editing a command for certain actions would cause the command to crash
- Fixed issue with pressing toggle hud in shortcut menu would sometimes do nothing
Version 6.2.5 HUD, HFX, Webhooks, Custom Chat Bot Commands
- Added HFX options that make it wasy to add a Hud Effect to a command, twitch point, or twitch extension
- Added ability to create Custom Chatbot Commands
- Added Webhooks that can trigger commands
- Added ability to dig into variables that have objects using dot notation
- Added up to 8 Chat, 8 Twitch Points, and 8 Twitch Extension commands that can be used in the free version
- Added OBS Recording Start and OBS Recording Stopped alerts along with obs_last_recording_path variable
- Added Custom CSS to each Overlay Layer
- Added Tiktok Resolution for Overlays
- Added Donation Goals for Overlay
- Added actionsToStop in done for Custom Code to stop individual actions instead of the whole command
- Added tray icon for HUD when it's open
- Added better naming for Variation Conditions
- Tiktok will not listen to alerts that are off
- Added get_commands variable that will get all commands that the user who triggered the command can use and that are on
- Added get_all_commands variable that will get all commands that are on
- Added getCommands() helper function to custom code that will get all chat commands and chatbot commands that the user who triggered the command can use and that are on
- Added getAllCommands() helper function to custom code that will get all commands
- Custom Code showToast will now show objects and arrays
- Added toggle Fuze button from directly in Studio > Fuze
- Process all session gift subs even if only one gift sub is on
- When importing an OBS source it will now add the name Source after
- Stop auto playing youtube videos on tutorials
- Switch Tiktok Diamond Count references to Coins
- Added confirmation when deleting a bookmarked color
- Added ability to disable Twitch Points and Twitch Extension commands when the folder is set to disable/enable
- Fixed Patreon Connection
- Fixed Youtube SuperChat and Supersticker doubling
- Fixed app crop styling when on Custom Code
- Fixed custom code {{command}} variable not being passed when callCommand is called
- Fixed Woocommerce issue
- Fixed manage overlay actions typo
- Fixed wyze missing translation
- Fixed Overlay Credits bug
- Fixed issue where OBS variations weren't showing in the free version
- Fixed UI where the save button wouldn't stay at the bottom in commands
- Fixed Twitch Gift subs from showing as multiple gifts when it's only one using the Twitch Preference
- Fixed issue where Chat Bot isHere command wouldn't work if the name was edited
- Fixed Streamlabs Donation bug
- Fixed app being cut off from the right when screen is too small
- Fixed Chat Bot commands not showing overlay actions and user levels
- Fixed random tts that wasn't working
- Fixed issue where list was not populating when event list was being filtered
- Fix Chat Box Overlay Layer not receiving Tiktok messages
- Fix Chat Bot messages not respecting cooldowns from the Chat Bot tab
- Fixed Overlay Copy Link that wasn't working
- Fixed issue where TPLink lights and plugs would duplicate everytime you add them
- Fixed issue where Overlay Actions were not being edited
- Fixed issue were Twitter Followers would keep triggering
- Fixed issue where TikTok gifts would not trigger when Likes are off
- Fixed issue where TikTok Chat mesages would not show up on the browser
- Fixed Chat Bot cooldowns
- Fixed issue where Custom Code still shows added even though it was removed
- Fixed issue where Streamdeck and Touch portal sending in a studio animation cycle would always set it to 1
- Fixed scrolling issue on Govee connection page
- Fixed issue where filters weren't working correctly on folders when commands were being added
- Fixed copy link issue with Overlays
- Fixed scrolling issue for Govee connection page
- Fixed Govee Cloud not turning lights off
- Fixed folder renaming bug
- Fixed pricing translations
- Fixed issue where queue Chat bot check box would not select
- Fixed OBS stream start/end from triggering twice
- Fixed session end not triggering on OBS stream end
- Fixed issue where bulk editing a command for certain actions would cause the command to crash
- Fixed issue with pressing toggle hud in shortcut menu would sometimes do nothing
Full Overlays, Editable Dashboard, Folders, Govee Local Control, TikTok, Youtube Alerts, Streamer Bot, BroadLink Infrared, Ableton Link
- Full Lumia Controlled Overlays have now arrived!
- Overlay HUD Window
- Virtual Lights that can be combined with overlays to create virtual lights that react the same way as your physical lights
- Event List is live and can be used in overlays and as a widget on the dashboard
- Govee's new Local API has been added for certain lights
- Separated Govee Lan from Govee Cloud so that they can both be used at the same time. Head to connections and connect to Govee Lan and Govee Cloud to use both
- Experimental Tiktok Live integration
- Streamer Bot integration that can trigger alerts when an action is triggered as well as the ability to trigger an action inside of a Command or Alert
- BroadLink integration that can control Infrared devices
- Serial Integration to send values to an arduino or serial device through USB
- Ableton Link Integration match BPM to your lights
- System Chat Bot commands for things like shoutous, followage, uptime, and more
- Ability to Filter Words from Chatbot, TTS, OSC, and more
- Editable dashboard to add and rearrange widgets however you see fit
- Folders gives you the ability to add Commands, Twitch Points, and Twitch Extensions
- Bulk edit for multiple commands at the same time
- Added Twitch Action to create a Stream Marker on your video
- Added ability to define how many Chat Lines are required before an Automation is ran
- Added ability to choose your default currency for your variations and Overlay labels/goals
- Added ability to auto convert currency from one to your default currency using continuously updated exchange rates
- obs_replay will let you take send your replay buffer to Twitter or Discord
- Added ability to send Media, Screenshot, and OBS Screenshot to a Discord Webhook
- Added Trovo Alerts for Channel Join, Raid, Gift Subscription, Stream Live, and Stream Offline
- Added ability to see live twitch viewers on dashboard
- View Automation schedules directly in the dashboard
- Folder Lumia Actions to allow mods, subs, or even just you to enable/disable folders from a command/external control
- Ability to view chat and send chat directly in the Lumia dashboard using Twitch
- Added sendColor to custom code which allows you to send colors to specific lights completely skipping the queue
- Added getLights to custom code which allows you to get the lights currently connected to Lumia
- Added getApiOptions to custom code which allows you to get the api options from Lumia
- Added ability to pass in multiple sites into chatbot custom code
- Added playAudio, sendRawObsJson, delay to custom code
- Added OBS Scene Item Hidden Alert
- Added OBS Trigger Hotkey by Key Sequence
- Added SLOBS Scene Item Hidden Alert
- Added the ability to select individual WLED lights for new Studio Themes so that they can have different effects and presets
- Added up to 10 Nanoleaf panles that can be used with Lumia
- Added Tplink EP10 Smart plugs to list of supported plugs
- Added streakMonths variable to Twitch subscriber alert
- Youtube Subscriber and Member alerts will now work even if you aren't live streaming
- Added Trovo Variables: trovo_session_chat_count, trovo_last_follower, trovo_session_followers, trovo_session_follower_count, trovo_session_subscribers_count, trovo_last_subscriber,trovo_session_subscribers, trovo_last_chatter, trovo_last_raider, trovo_last_raid_amount, trovo_session_raiders
- Added {{trovo_uptime}} variable
- New Spotify Connection Setup
- Changed the order that Twitch Gifts variations are executed in: Gift Sub Amount Equal, Gift Sub Amount Greater, Is Gift, Resub Months equal, Resub Months greater, Is Prime, EqualTier, Random
- Brand new full tutorials that will also always show related updated videos for each section of the app
- Added 500 character limit to Twitch Extension Prompts so it matches the same as Twitch
- Added multi line text for OBS text fields
- Twitch Extensions will now be disabled when Lumia turns on/off or when stream mode turns on/off
- Added {{youtube_total_video_count}} and {{youtube_total_view_count}} variables
- Added youtube_last_subscriber variable to get the latest subscriber
- Added Trovo variables when a spell is redeemed: {{spell_quantity}}, {{spell_type}}, and {{spell_value}}, {{spell_mana_value}}, {{spell_mana_combined_value}},{{spell_elixir_value}}, {{spell_elixir_combined_value}}
- Added twitch_user_id and twitch_username variables
- Auto Update Settings with new Touch Portal plugin (2.5.0) without needing to restart
- Auto Update Settings with new Stream Deck plugin (2.5.0) without needing to restart
- Added auto discovery for WLED lights in WLED Connection setup
- WLED removed colors from presets in themes
- Added speed option to WLED themes
- Add Lights On that can be used in commands, alerts, animations, and default state
- Added visible/invisible eye icon when logging in for password
- Show ip address on osc connections
- Updated Nanoleaf Discovery to make it much smoother
- Default Chat Bot Shout out command has been added
- Default Followage command has been added
- Default Uptime Chat Bot command has been added
- Added an option to type logs in the shortcut menu so that you can easily be brought to your logs on your computer
- Added an option to type freememory in the shortcut menu so that you can clear the memory being used by Lumia
- When an api connects/disconnects it will now send a toast letting you know
- Added new View tab in the menu bar so you can zoom in/out, toggle full screen, and in Tools you can now reload the app if you run into an issue
- Twitch Bits {{message}} variable will now replace the cheer amount in the message
- Ability to set Twitch Points max redemption option per stream
- Added {{full_message}} variable in Twitch Bits to get the original message with the cheer amounts
- Added condition type to alert variations table to easily see what types you have selected
- Added new Twitch Bits variables: twitch_total_bits_count, twitch_session_bits_count
- Added new Facebook variables: facebook_uptime, facebook_total_follower_count, facebook_session_follower_count, facebook_reaction_count
- Added OBS variables: obs_is_streaming, obs_is_recording, obs_studio_mode, obs_current_profile, obs_current_scene, obs_current_transition
- Added SLOBS variables: slobs_current_scene, slobs_current_scene_collection
- Added manage predition, goals, read blocked words, and charity permissions for twitch
- Added {{recipient}} variable for the one receiving the gift sub
- Added Clear Cooldowns Lumia Action
- Added Clean All Lumia Action which resets queue, cooldowns, and sets to default state
- To Default will now only set the lights to default without clearing the queue and cooldowns
- Streamdeck can hold a To Default button to set everything back to original state
- Added Set Alert State Lumia Action
- Added {{message}} to Facebook stars alert
- Added Skip Replay option for Lumia and Overlay Actions within Commands and Alerts
- Fixed issue where WLED would stop being controlled if settings were refreshed
- Fixed issue where Twitch preference for Twitter subscriber alerts weren't using the correct subMonths
- Fixed Streamelements primary site issue with tests. If SE sends over the Primary site we will use that to determine where the alert goes
- Fixed issue where new Lumia users couldn't register to new Twitch events like Stream Live, Twitch Polls, etc. To fix the issue you will have to delete their Twitch connection andadd it again
- Fixed crash when opening quick menu on a new account
- Fixed Kofi Shop order alerts
- Fixed variables not loading when you first go to the page
- Fixed Twitch Clip alerts not working after a few hours
- Fixed Twitch Points global states
- Fixed when second chat bot is disabled it doesn't chat anywhere
- Fixed variable {{youtube_total_subscriber_count}}
- Fixed Streamlabs Currency issue
- Fixed Visibiliy on/off translation issue for SLOBS
- Fixed Studio Scene draggable overlap
- Fixed issue where editing Input Control types wouldn't show the old values
- Fixed crash for Automations and Input Control when selecting Alerts
- Added auto discovery for WLED lights in WLED Connection setup
- Fixed OBS profile change variations
- Fixed issue where changing your username would not update your commands url
- Fixed issue where connecting a new nanoleaf device would kick out your old ones
- Fixed issue where setting brightness from the api would not work correctly
- Fixed Twitch Resub variations from not firing
- Fixed Lights Off from sending black and brightness to the lights. Now it will only power off so that your lights keep the last state
- Fixed issue where chat bot commands wouldn't send to anything other than Twitch
- Fixed issue where last slot in an animation's end state would not fire
- Fixed issue where Spotify would disconnect after closing the desktop app
- Fixed Chatbot custom code site
- Fixed issue where auto update background for twitch points wouldn't show for certain light types
- Fixed resubs and gifts from streamlabs
- Fixed issue where streamlabs subs would render multiple times even if only one gift was on
- Fixed issue where Twitch Points and Extensions wouldn't hide on close
- Fixed issue where settings were not persisting on close
- Fixed issue where chatbot wasn't on by default
Kofi, Twitch Clip Alerts, Twitter Screenshots, Increment Twitch Point Values
- Kofi now has a direct integration with Lumia Stream! Listen to Kofi Donations, Subscriptions, Commissions, and Shop Orders
- Twitch Clip Alerts have arrived! Setup light, TTS, chatbot message, Twitter post, and more for everytime someone takes a new clip
- Added the {{screenshot}} variable that can be used to take a screenshot of your screen and send it as a Tweet and can change your Twitter Profile image or Banner
- Added ability to use Audio through a URL or Locally using a Lumia Action
- Added ability to increment/decrement Twitch Point Values everytime it's redeemed using Lumia Actions
- Added ability to change Twitch Extension values using Lumia Actions
- Added Lumia Action to disable/enable Chat Match commands
- Added ability to use all Logitech devices
- Added hexToRgb() helper function for custom code. Useful for interactives that need to convert hex to an RGB object
- Added ability to activate logs from dashboard
- Added fallback for TTS in case the external new voices fail. Now it will fallback to the computers default
- When logging out it wil respect turn off light and accessories on disconnect
- TTS will now fallback to default voice if remote voices cannot be used
- Automations for Chatbot, TTS, and System events will now skip the queue
- Added toast messages for errors that show up in Custom Code as well as log messages
- Fixed styling for custom code
- Audio downloaded from the community will now be saved in your Documents folder for easier moving between computers
- Reactions and Animations will wait for audio to be completely loaded before starting so it starts at the same time
- Fixed a major issue where connecting Keylights for the second time would delete all other accessories and plugs and also wouldn't show your previous key lights list
- Fixed an issue where Automations were not running correctly for Steps
- Fixed issue where Turn Off on Disconnect would not work
- Fixed variable read_url to accomodate for symbols
- Fixed writeFile example for custom code
- Fixed missing scroll bar for API actions
- Fixed multiple OSC on the same computer issue
- Fixed Trovo Follower and Subscriber alerts
- Fixed Trovo Chatbot
- Fixed issue where Cooldown variables wouldn't fire correctly
- Fixing individual vs multiple subgift alerts. Now when individual gift sub is unchecked it will trigger the subgift alert multiple times
- Fixed issue when individual subgift alert was unchecked the alert would not even trigger
- Fixed issue where replaying a subgfit alert on Streamelements would not trigger any alert
- Fixed Elgato Light Strip not being able to go from Color Temperature to Color
- Fixed Elgato Light Strip not respecting brightness that is set
- Fixed Streamelements Twitch Prime Variation issue
- Fixed Automation values not showing when switching type
- Fix studio scene styling for slots being squeezed when the screen is not full sized
- Updated custom code function writeFile to use message instead of value
- Added more error message when you run into issues with custom code
Heart Rate fixes, MQTT fixes, Magichome Fixes
- Will now always save settings before the app closes
- Fixed an issue where Heart Rate alerts would not work for free users using HypeRate or Pulsoid
- Fixed issue that would cause nothing to be able to connect if MQTT Input Control was on
- Fixed issue where older magic home controllers were no longer working
- Fixed issue where multiple windows would show if Twitch was showing
- Fixed issue where old Cron automations would crash
HypeRate, 4 Nanoleafs, Random Audio, Generic Websockets
- Added HypeRate as a connection to react to BPM Sync and Activity monitor given the BPM of your heart
- Added the ability to use up to 4 Nanoleafs with Lumia
- Ability to select multiple Audio files that would play at random when a Command or Alert is triggered
- New Magic Home Controllers are now supported
- Ability to connect to Generic Websockets
- BPM Sync has been renamed to Heart Rate Sync
- Activity Monitor has been renamed to Heart Rate
- Updated the Inidividual lights SDK to have the ability to receive ID or Value
- Streamelements and Streamlabs test alerts will update the variables accordingly now to make testing easier
- Replace username, message, and prompt variables with something random for testing
- Add Delay for Midi actions
- Add Delay for ArtNet actions
- New simplified Automations
- Heartrate trigger points will not update dynamically when Refresh is pushed
- Added option in Woocommerce Connection to accept alerts when orders are processing instead of completed
- Recording for OSC Input Control should not start automatically if you edit an input command
- Fixed issue with twitch_last_subscriber variable not staying at the actual last subscriber
- Fixed Streamelements test subscriber logs from not showing the username and the sub tier
- Fixed Artnet crash when deleting a universe and going back to edit a command that was using that old universe
- Fixed Artnet crash when editing a preset value
- FIxed issue where ? wasn't allowed as a Global Key
- Fixed issue where users were able to delete current profile
- Fixed issue where overlays wouldn't work on initial load
- Fixed Cron syntax checker
Automation Lumia Actions, Bug fixes
- Added Lumia Actions to Turn on/off Automations
- Removed OBS Source Types since it isn't used anymore
- When Twitch Extensions are turned off in Lumia, the extension will remove the commands automatically
- Translated Variables for Currrency and Amount
- Fixed issues where Interactives weren't working with Twitch Extensions
- Fixed issue where the first invalid dynamic default command would be taken as a valid default
- Fixed issues when some variables would show as a json string instead of blank
- Fixed TTS Delay slider to show in seconds
- Fixed buildups not working correctly with Scenes. Brightness will now be respected
- Fixed issue where editing Twitch Extensions Chatbot, TTS, or Default options would crash the app
- Fixed issue where interactives being changed wouldn't auto update the description fields
- Fixed issue where aliases weren't being replaced when used as a {{message}} variable
- Fixed issue where commands that were typed in with Cases different than the original would keep the command in the {{message}} variable
- Fixed variable translations for alerts
- Fixed issue where custom code wasn't able to be removed from a command
- Fixed issue where translations for Key/Mouse Outputs was showing incorrect
New Custom Code Editor, Bug fixes
- New custom code editor with ability to use tabs :)
- Added {{userLevelsRaw}} variable
- Added globalStore for custom code
- Added getAllVariables function that will get all local and global variables in custom code
- getVariable in custom code will now get both local and global variables
- Will no longer allow custom chatbot to be the same username as your twitch connection since it causes too many problems
- Descriptions will now show on the commands list
- Styling fixes for the hover state and spacing on dashboard
- Audio upload disclaimer has been added to the community when uploading an audio file
- Added descriptions for queue page, default state, virtualLights
- Added test button for audio
- Update variable will now be able to use variables for the variable selection
- Added auto complete fields for Lumia Action commands so that you can now use variables with them
- Changed NOT FOUND text to TEST to avoid confusion
- Added ability to delete your own community posts
- Added ability to Auto fix or Reset Settings if app is throwing an error
- Show an error if an audio file is added with an invalid character in the file path
- Fixed Trovo user levels issues
- Fixed issue where Subscribers were triggering twice
- Fixed issue where Lumia Actions Add/Remove user from userlevel was not working correctly
- Fixed issue where Twitch would continuously connect/disconnect
- Fixed issue where OSC would disconnect after no response in 30 minutes
- Fixed issue where Refreshing Twitch tokens would sometimes fail after some time
- Fixed TTS audio output option
- Fixed Custom Code WriteFile function
- Fixed issue where sometimes Twitch would send triple twitch points
- Fixed crash when midi would be in a weird state
- Fixed crash where Trovo Spells weren't added to some users settings
- Fixed TTS issue when using an output that didn't exist
- Fixed issue where Alert variations saving OBS Advanced settings would throw an error
- Fixed issue where Animation slots would not stay at the previous state if the transition or duration was changed
- Fixed issue where connections would show up again after one selection closes
Custom Chat bot, Brian TTS, Custom Javascript, Counters
- (Premium) Added ability to use your custom Twitch Chat bot. Connections > Add > Twitch Chatbot
- Starter users will now be able to use the Lumia Stream Chatbot
- Added ability to use Brian in TTS
- Added ability to use custom javascript code in commands and alerts
- Added Counter Variables. Set a variable as a counter in the Variables page and then you can use math on the variable like +5 to increment the variable by 5, *2, /2, =10, etc.
- Added ability to change Twitter Screen Name from Lumia
- New Twitch Extension that allows users to send a message with their redeem (0.3.5)
- Twitch Poll Alerts can now be used
- Twitch Prediction Alerts can now be used
- Twitch Goal Alerts can now be used
- Added Twitch Category Change alert
- Added convert_color_to_hex variable function that will convert any normal interactive color to hex {{ convert_color_to_hex=green}}
- Added ability to use Long Press for Key/Mouse Outputs
- Changed Input Events to Key/Mouse Outputs
- Key/Mouse Outputs should work on much more games now
- Sub Gift variations and settings now work with StreamElements, Streamlabs, and TipeeeStream
- Added Description fields to each command that will show in the !commands page
- Added social links to the commands page based on connections you have connected in Lumia Stream
- Added ability to show/hide commands from the !commands list web page
- Twitch Points now will be hidden when off. There will be an option to go back to the auto pause when off under Commands > Twitch Points > Global Settings > Pause rewardwhen off
- Added ability to use Variables inside of other variables {{ convert_color_to_hex={{message}} }}
- Added new Lumia Actions: Back to default, Clear Queue, and Add/Remove user from Restriction list
- Added ability to use Long Press on Input Events for games like Apex that require a longer press to register the key
- Added more Twitch variables: Add alert for when Twitch Category Changes as well as adding Channel Info Variables: twitch_channel_title, twitch_channel_description, twitch_avatar,twitch_offline_image, twitch_category, twitch_category_id, twitch_last_bit_amount, twitch_last_host_amount, twitch_last_raid_amount
- Lumia Link will now resize better for smaller screens
- There will now be a max of 100 logs on the dashboard to avoid memory issues
- Logs on dashboard will now auto scroll to bottom when dahsboard page is loaded
- Delete confirmation added for twitch points and twitch extension commands
- Added API tab in settings
- Added an option to show success/error messages for API actions. Can be found in Settings > General
- Woocommerce Order Variation now use the Order amount and currency
- Added {{woocommerce_last_order_amount_currency}} variable to get the currency of the last order
- Added new UI for Variables page and Variable Popover
- Added cooldowns for Twitch Extension 0.3.5, still in review
- Fixed twitch_last_subscriber variable to only change if Lumia is on and you get a new subscriber
- Bug fix where Twitch Points Rewards were being hidden by default instead of using the old pause method. You can change back to hidden by going to Chat > Commands > TwitchPoints > Global Settings > Untick Pause
- Fixed issue where Starter users couldn't use Twitter Actions, Lumia Actions, or Twitch Actions
- Fixed permission for starting twitch commercials using a Twitch Action
- Fixed issue where Lumia Link on/off fuze wouldn't ever start fuze
- Fixed issue where Lumia Link on/off would break Lumia Services
- Fixed issue where tutorials after completing would go to dashboard instead of staying on the last page
- Fixed issue where Refresh changes would show every time Lumia hides
- Fixed issue where turning on/off Lumia with Lumia Link would cause Lumia Services to mess up
- Fixed {{likes}} translation for twitter
- Fixed woocommerce orders that were sending if status wasn't in the Completed state
- Fixed touch portal connection
- Fixed fuze video refresh prompt
Custom Chat bot, Brian TTS, Custom Javascript, Counters
- (Premium) Added ability to use your custom Twitch Chat bot. Connections > Add > Twitch Chatbot
- Starter users will now be able to use the Lumia Stream Chatbot
- Added ability to use Brian in TTS
- Added ability to use custom javascript code in commands and alerts
- Added Counter Variables. Set a variable as a counter in the Variables page and then you can use math on the variable like +5 to increment the variable by 5, *2, /2, =10, etc.
- Added ability to change Twitter Screen Name from Lumia
- New Twitch Extension that allows users to send a message with their redeem (0.3.5)
- Twitch Poll Alerts can now be used
- Twitch Prediction Alerts can now be used
- Twitch Goal Alerts can now be used
- Added Twitch Category Change alert
- Added convert_color_to_hex variable function that will convert any normal interactive color to hex {{ convert_color_to_hex=green}}
- Added ability to use Long Press for Key/Mouse Outputs
- Changed Input Events to Key/Mouse Outputs
- Key/Mouse Outputs should work on much more games now
- Sub Gift variations and settings now work with StreamElements, Streamlabs, and TipeeeStream
- Added Description fields to each command that will show in the !commands page
- Added social links to the commands page based on connections you have connected in Lumia Stream
- Added ability to show/hide commands from the !commands list web page
- Twitch Points now will be hidden when off. There will be an option to go back to the auto pause when off under Commands > Twitch Points > Global Settings > Pause rewardwhen off
- Added ability to use Variables inside of other variables {{ convert_color_to_hex={{message}} }}
- Added new Lumia Actions: Back to default, Clear Queue, and Add/Remove user from Restriction list
- Added ability to use Long Press on Input Events for games like Apex that require a longer press to register the key
- Added more Twitch variables: Add alert for when Twitch Category Changes as well as adding Channel Info Variables: twitch_channel_title, twitch_channel_description, twitch_avatar,twitch_offline_image, twitch_category, twitch_category_id, twitch_last_bit_amount, twitch_last_host_amount, twitch_last_raid_amount
- Lumia Link will now resize better for smaller screens
- There will now be a max of 100 logs on the dashboard to avoid memory issues
- Logs on dashboard will now auto scroll to bottom when dahsboard page is loaded
- Delete confirmation added for twitch points and twitch extension commands
- Added API tab in settings
- Added an option to show success/error messages for API actions. Can be found in Settings > General
- Woocommerce Order Variation now use the Order amount and currency
- Added {{woocommerce_last_order_amount_currency}} variable to get the currency of the last order
- Added new UI for Variables page and Variable Popover
- Added cooldowns for Twitch Extension 0.3.5, still in review
- Fixed twitch_last_subscriber variable to only change if Lumia is on and you get a new subscriber
- Fixed issue where Starter users couldn't use Twitter Actions, Lumia Actions, or Twitch Actions
- Fixed permission for starting twitch commercials using a Twitch Action
- Fixed issue where Lumia Link on/off fuze wouldn't ever start fuze
- Fixed issue where Lumia Link on/off would break Lumia Services
- Fixed issue where tutorials after completing would go to dashboard instead of staying on the last page
- Fixed issue where Refresh changes would show every time Lumia hides
- Fixed issue where turning on/off Lumia with Lumia Link would cause Lumia Services to mess up
- Fixed {{likes}} translation for twitter
- Fixed woocommerce orders that were sending if status wasn't in the Completed state
- Fixed touch portal connection
- Fixed fuze video refresh prompt
- Fixed issue where Refresh Lumia would show up for any Twitch alert
- Fixed issue where Hype Train progress would fire before Hype Train start
- Fixed issue where Starter users couldn't use Twitter Actions, Lumia Actions, or Twitch Actions
- Fixed permission for starting twitch commercials using a Twitch Action
- Fixed issue where tutorials after completing would go to dashboard instead of staying on the last page
- Fixed issue where Refresh changes would show every time Lumia hides
- Revoked the {{userColorRgb}} variable until we can figure out how to put it in a format everyone would use
MQTT bug fixes, Migration Crash fixes
- Added Add/Remove User from Custom User Level under Lumia Actions. This will allow you or mods to dynamically add or remove users from Custom Userlevels
- Added Text To Speech to Lumia Actions
- Added Chat Bot to Lumia Actions that allows you to choose to chat as your self or as the Lumia Stream bot
- Chat Bot in Lumia Actions can also choose the color that the chat message shows as now in Twitch
- Added notifications if your permissions are missing for various Twitch actions
- Fixed migration issue when coming from a much older version of Lumia
- Fixed issue where MQTT would crash when sending an action
- Fixed issue where app would crash in the middle of the tutorials
- Fixed the twitter logo
- Fixed issue where Corsair would always show as disconnected
- Fixed issue where computers without VC++ redist would cause the app to not load. Now it will ask to install
- Fixed System Notifications app name
- Fixed System Notifications icon
- Fixed issue where Lumia Link when chatting as self would not actually send to Twitch
- Hype Trains Progress will not fire until after Hype Train start does
- Fixed issue where Chatbot in Lumia Actions weren't replacing variables
- Removed Phantom pink that was showing in the Commands page for Twitch Points and Twitch Extensions
Lumia Link, Twitter, Spotify, Woocommerce, Hype Train alerts, Individual Cooldowns
- Lumia Stream Link is now available on IOS, Android, the Web, and as an OBS dock
- Added the ability to choose individual cooldowns for Chat command, Twitch points, and Twitch Extensions
- Added Twitter Integration (Alerts, Actions, Variables)
- Spotify is back, but you will need to create a Developer account to use it
- OBS commands, alerts, and variations can now be used in both the Premium and Starter version
- SLOBS commands, alerts, and variations can now be used in both the Premium and Starter version
- Added Lumia Actions (Update Variables, Send System Notification, Write To File, Set Commands on/off)
- Added Woocommerce Integration
- Added !commands to view a list of commands you use on your stream on a new clean page
- Added the ability to change your chatbot !commands, !lightslist, and !lights names to something different
- Added Twitch Stream Live alert
- Added Twitch Stream Offline alert
- Added Twitch Hype Train Started alert
- Added Twitch Hype Train Progressed alert
- Added Twitch Hype Train Ended alert
- Twitch Extension commands now have the ability to Prompt the user for an input to be used in variables
- Brand new connections screen with the ability to search for connections and add new ones in one place
- Separated Global Cooldowns that can be changed for each type. Now there will be separate global cooldown for Chat command, Twitch points, and Twitch Extensions
- Changed VLC Seek time to a text field to use different syntax
- Pro tips will now be changed everytime you load Lumia Stream, so make sure you check them out
- Added an option to re order all new command events: API, Command Runner, Input Events, OBS, SLOBS, OSC, MQTT, MIDI, Spotify, VLC, Voicemod, Artnet
- Added ability to test Command Runner directly inside adder window
- Renaming Lumia Hypes to Lumia Buildups so they aren't confused with Hype Trains
- Added Tier 3 Sub, Tier 2 Sub, and Tier 1 Sub variables to Chatbot !lightslist
- Added the ability to use raw json for API activities
- Added toast for API successes
- Fixed an issue where Starter users wouldn't be able to turn off Only Variations if they were on it before
- Fixed issue where VLC icon would show as Spotify in places throughout the app
- Fixed issue where menu bar would show up when checking out with paypal
- Fixed issue where logs would show weird escaped english when quotes show up in the logs on the dashboard
- Fixed VLC Set Volume and made the values go from 0 to 125
- Fixed VLC Seek
- Fixed issue where creating a chat command from a Studio animation wouldn't set the timing type to cycle by default
- Fixed issue where Chat Bot would still show connected when Lumia turns off
- Fixed input events that weren't working for OBS
- Fixed issue where MIDI Note values weren't actually changing
- Fixed issue with slider input not showing anything if the value was 0
- Fixed issue where values for delay, duration, minimum would change values in different alerts as well
- Fixed issue where Idle mode would start while there were things still in queue
- Fixed issues where logging out and logging back in would cause the app to crash or load forever
- Fixed issues where bulk user level changes weren't working for free users
- Fixed issue where !lightslist wouldn't show subscriber commands after user levels have been switched to tiered subs
- Fixed issue where Hue group ids over 100 would make lumia not able to connect to the Hue bridge
- Fixed issue where User avatars wouldn't fetch until after the command has already been triggered
Spotify, Twinkly, MQTT, Automations, VLC
- Spotify is still waiting to be approved and will not be able to be used until we are approved by them
- Twinkly is only able to work with Generation 2 devices. There have been reports that Generation 1 devices will not work with Lumia Stream.
- Spotify alerts can be used to change your lights when the song changes, update your OBS browser source to match the current album art, or even just send it over OSC
- (Premium) Spotify control can be sent in commands, Twitch points, Twitch Extensions, and alerts now
- Twinkly is here to save the day. This is an unofficial integration and is not guaranteed to work on all of their lights, but it will work on the major ones
- VLC alerts can be used to change your lights when the song changes, update your OBS browser source to match the current album art, or even just send it over OSC
- (Premium) VLC control can be sent in commands, Twitch points, Twitch Extensions, and alerts now
- MQTT can now be used as both an input control to change your lights and as an output in Commands and Alerts
- Automations are now here to make your life a lot more... Automated! Set up schedules to send a chatbot message every 30 minutes, Change your default every hour, or even trigger aTTS message to remind you to drink some water. The possibilities are endless
- Crypto Automations (Beta) can be selected as an automation type to change your lights when your favorite cryptos reach a certain mark
- Automations also can use Cron syntax
- OBS Set Source URL to automatically update your browser url through variables, chat, or any other idea you may have
- OBS Set Source Text added to dynamically change Text soucre field in OBS
- OBS Set Source Settings has been added
- All OBS select fields have now been transferred over to a Text field that can take in variables
- If your OBS websockets are out of date, Lumia Stream will now let you know to update
- There will now be a refresh button in the OBS Commands in case you need to change your OBS setup on the fly
- Spotify variables have been added: spotify_now_playing_song, spotify_now_playing_id, spotify_now_playing_uri, spotify_now_playing_image, spotify_now_playing_artist
- Added Twitch Points User Input Required option under Points Options
- Added Voicemod delay type
- Input Events can now trigger F13-F24 keys
- Input Events now work on Apply M1 Computers
- Added a third color option for WLED Studio Themes
- Added the ability to recall presets for WLED
- WLED lights will now stay in the list when going back to the connection screen
- Fixed issue where Twitch Points would disconnect after 4 hours of continuous use
- Fixed issue where Fast Mode and Group mode on Hue would cause clashing
- FIx Voicemod in animation and reactions
- Fixed issue with WLED not turning back on after turning off
- FIxed WLED Studio Themes crash when trying to select a different color
- Fixed an issue where Trovo Followers would always trigger even if the alert was off
- Fixed SLOBS Set Visibility bug
- Added Refresh SLOBS settings
Hue and TPLink fixes
- Fixed issue where lights would not be added to the list after connecting
- Added a random mechanism to Random Variations for alerts. Set all of your Random conditions to 100% and it will randomly roll a dice to choose the next variation that plays
- Adding option to turn your lights at the same time as a group under Connections > Hue > Group Mode
- Fixed issue where lights would not be added to the list after connecting
- Fixing an issue with Hue group modes
- Fixing power on/off issues with hue
- Fixing remaining issues with TPLink
- Adding fixes for lights being duplicated when editing a connection
Control Center, Midi and OSC Control, Fuze Audio Revamp
- Update to version 2.2.1 for Elgato Stream deck Lumia Stream plugin. Please update your plugin by going to Connections > Streamdeck > Direct Download
- Update to version 2.2.1 for Touch Portal Lumia Stream plugin. Please update your plugin by going to Connections > Touch Portal > Direct Download
- Control Center is here to give you full manual control over all of your Lights, Keylights, and Smart Plugs
- Stream Mode has been added so that you can instantly start/stop viewers from triggering commands and alerts temporarily. This can also be tied to Hotkeys, Streamdeck, Touch Portal,MIDI control, and OSC control
- (Premium) Chat Matches will add a whole new dimension to Lumia by giving lumia the power of Regex (Javascript Syntax) to trigger things on chat messages that you care about. Do youwant a small audio ping everytime you a new message comes in, or maybe you want to quickly flash your lights when a new message arrives. All of this can be done now with Chat Match
- Variables can be used in multiple places throughout Lumia now. There are variables for twitch view count, current viewers, total subs, new followers, and so much more. You can sendthese variables through the api, osc, chatbot, tts and much more
- (Premium) Fuze has been Revamped! Experience a much smoother experience while also taking less than half the CPU resources than it did before
- (Premium) Fuze Audio/Video mode is now available. Audio will change the brightness while Video will change the color of your lights
- (Premium) Experimental Fuze Jam Mode. You can select Fuze Jam Mode under Studio > Fuze > Audio, and then selecting Jam Mode as the Audio type
- (Premium) MIDI control has arrived to turn your lights into a show. Brush off your old MIDI devices like the Rockband Keytar and create a light show with Lumia
- (Premium) OSC control. Use your OSC apps and connections to control Lumia
- Added the ability to skip the queue for certain commands. Now you can do things like have chat commands change your OBS setup without needing to worry about what's going on in thequeue simultaneously. This can be found under the Default Settings tab while editing a Command/Alert
- Added the ability to auto play/pause twitch points
- Added the option to auto fulfill twitch points in Chat > Twitch Points > Global Settings
- Added the ability to update prompt fields for twitch points under the Points Options tab in a command
- Added the ability to update twitch extension description fields under the Extension Options tab in a command
- Added ability to delay individual commands in case you need to time them up with something external
- Added Portuguese interactive colors: (S/O to Pedro Vicente)
- Huge Yeelight stability and speed improvement
- Huge MagicHome stability and speed improvement
- Speed improvement of startup times for Lumia Stream
- Speed improvement and resouce management improvement of Lights being changed
- Added more template variables: rawMessage, userColor, userColorRgb, platform, avatar, badgesRaw, hasEmotes, emotesRaw
- (Premium) Added the ability to use variables for sending API's
- Adding more Twitch Extension bit values to choose from: 42, 182, 404, 666, 218, 101, 888, 123, 1312, 6969, 555, 600, 700, 800, 900
- Added the ability to bulk update your User levels for Chat Commands, Twitch Points, and Twitch Extensions
- OBS toggle mute source has been added
- Changing the name Websockets to Lumia Services to avoid confusion
- Added ability to reset specific lights in a scene
- Added Visibile list in scenes to show which lights are in scene slots
- Default OSC path to lead with a / in case the user forgets
- Philips Hue Regular Mode will now send color commands to the full group instead of individual lights keeping things in sync. This only will work when Manage Lights aren't selected
- Added ability to read_file from your local computer that can be used anywhere variables can be used. Chatbot, TTS, OSC, etc. i.e: {{read_file=/Users/lumia/Downloads/update.txt}}
- Added read_url variable function to read from a simple GET url. Use it with {{read_url=}}
- Added random variable function to choose between two number. Use it with {{random=1-100}}
- Added random_inputs variable function to choose between different inputs separated by a comma. Use it with {{random_inputs=twitch,youtube,facebook}}
- Added Selection Variable for OBS scenes. You can now allow the viewer to choose between a set amount of scenes to change to when combined with the selection variable function:{{selection=scene1,scene2,scene3}}
- Added OBS Scene filters to Set Scene or Source Filter Visibility
- Fixed issue where Elgato light strips would still show not connected when adding them through connections
- Fixed issue where Philips Hue Regular Mode would not work with Studio Scenes
- Fixed issue where Reconnecting Twitch would sometimes connect to the wrong twitch api, causing it to fail
- Fixed Steel Series to support the new Steel Series GG Engine
- Fixed issue where downloading a community item if your chat commands were greater than 5 on the starter version would cause it to fail
- Fixed Trovo Spells not having the ability to turn off individual spells nor the global state
- Fixed Animations not working for Idle State
- Fixed issue where if you login with the wrong account, there wasn't a way to try logging into a different one
- Fixed manual entry for keylights using ip address
- Fixed Pulsoid auto reconnection
- Fixed Random variations not working correctly for some alerts
- Enhanced and fixed Discovery for Nanoleafs
- Fixed a bug where only one Nanoleaf can be selected
- Improved Elgato discovery
- Fixed issue where Elgato would show disconnected even if it wasn't
Pulsoid Fixes, Media key fixes
- Fixed issue where Pulsoid heart rate alerts would not work if there was only one alert in the list
- Fixed issue where Tier 3 subs were not being registered correctly for Chat Command and Twitch Point User levels
- Fixed issue where Media keys like pause and play wouldn't work if Lumia was foregrounded
- Fixed beta auto update issues
Pulsoid, Alexa, Developers API, Home Assistant, Youtube Upgrades, Input Events for Mac
- Pulsoid is here to jumpstart your stream
- Alexa, add Lumia Stream Integration.... On it
- Home Assistant has arrived to give your lights a helping hand
- Twitch Subscriber User Levels can now be used with chat commands and alerts. This gives you ultimate control over who you'd like to use certain commands
- Govee Smart plugs integration
- Input Events now work on Mac Intel Computers
- Our Developers API is now available at
- Added individual Chat Bot messages for each command, alert, spell, or anything else you may need
- Added ability to delay TTS in alerts and commands
- Added Delays inside OBS and SLOBS commands
- BPM Sync mode that allows your lights to beat in time with your heart using Pulsoid. Available only for Premium users
- Voicemod is available for both Starter and Premium users now
- Youtube Chatbot is now ready. Reconnect to YouTube and enable the chat bot permission by going to Connections > Edit Youtube and enabling the chatbot permission
- Lumia will now be hidden in the tray when Start 'on boot' is on
- Youtube will now display your channel name in Connections
- Added Level Types under Commands > User Levels so that you can select your platform to use that platforms wording for user levels
- We received a Quota increase from Youtube to accomodate our growing number of users on the Youtube platform... Welcome :)
- You can now import any command inside each one of our command types. Twitch Points can be imported into chat commands for example
- Added ability to filter commands based on type and user levels
- When you connect to Streamlabs, StreamElements, or TipeeeStream it will now prompt you to update all of your alert preferences to that platform
- When connecting to SLOBS it will notify you that you still need to connect to Streamlabs to enable SL alerts
- Added Russian Interactive colors (
- Twitch Points can not be 0 points, so we will now show an error for those
- Adding much more OBS Commands to trigger: Mute/Unmute Source, Enable/Disable Studio Mode, Start/Stop Streaming, Play/Pause Media, Start/Stop Virtual Cam, Start/Stop Recording,Pause/Resume Recording, Start/Stop Replay Buffer, Save Replay Buffer, and Send Raw OBS JSON data
- Updated Swedish Translations (S/O to CovScoche)
- Updated German Translations (S/O to SamWilsonTV)
- Fixed issue where even when Lumia was turned off and settings were refreshed it would still try to trigger the default state
- Fixed issue where Fuze wouldn't show the correct state if the audio device wasn't found
- Fixed issue where Default Midi states weren't working
- Fixed issue where Default OSC states weren't working
- Fixed issue with Treatstream Treat alerts not working
- Fixed Studio Scenes and Manage lights not being able to be dragged when editing them after the first time
- Fixed Scene transitions not working correctly in commands and alerts
- Fixed issue where if Touch Portal was already downloaded Lumia wouldn't connect it
- Fixed Community reactions not working correctly when pressing test
- Fixed Living Scenes Backwards type from not working correctly
- Fixed issue where OBS and SLOBS tests weren't working
- Fixed issue with Mac showing App Can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software
- Fixed issue where Youtube chat wouldn't work if the time on your computer wasn't in sync
- Fixed issue with auto updater
Hot fixes for Keylights, Input Events, and Corsair
- Added the Ability to upgrade to Lifetime plan by going to Settings > Manage Subscription > Upgrade to Lifetime
- Fixes for Input Events not working for ctrl and number keys
- Fixed Corsair not showing up in Connected Lights section
- Fixed issue where Keylights weren't working in the new UI chat command form
Upgrade to Lifetime, Hot fixes for Lifx
- Added the Ability to upgrade to Lifetime plan by going to Settings > Manage Subscription > Upgrade to Lifetime
- Fixes for Lifx Themes stopping even when Lumia didn't revert back to default
Logitech, Lifetime Plan, Automated Twitch Points, and Living Scenes
- It was only logical that Logitech joins the Lumiverse! Now introducing Logitech full RGB integration! This includes mice, keyboards, and any full RGB controllable peripherals.
- The Lifetime Payment Plan is now an option. We've heard your requests, and we finally have a way to purchase a lifetime premium plan!
- Twitch Channel Points will now be created when you create/edit a new Twitch Points command in Lumia. Reconnect to Twitch so that the 'Manage Channel Points' permission is added.
- Lumia will auto-pause your Twitch Channel Points when it is shutting down or turned off so that users won't use them.
- Channel Points will automatically refund if the user isn't allowed to use certain commands. It will also automatically fulfill if the command goes through
- Living scenes have arrived to fancy up your alerts in a simple way. Head to any one of your Studio Scenes and turn a living scene on to start using it immediately
- Use Raw OBS commands to accomodate for the commands that we don't officially give options for. Example: { "request-type": "StartRecording" }
- Our Affiliate/Partner program is now live! Sign up by going to and scrolling down to the bottom of the page and selecting Work With Lumia
- Added template variables for OSC so you can send {{username}}, {{message}}, and more to your OSC receivers. This can be used to dynamically update a visualizer or anything else youmay dream up!
- Added a new conversion for Elgato Keylight to better match what Control Center shows.
- When adding a keylight to a default state/command/animation slot, it will auto-fill in the current state of the keylight.
- Midi, OSC, and Artnet will no longer require a name or preset field to speed up processing.
- You can now test Midi, OSC, and Artnet commands without leaving the modal window
- Changed OBS and SLOBS 'scene render' to say 'visibility' to cause less confusion.
- Variables can now be used in Command Runner.
- Interactives will now auto prompt the user. When added a Twitch Point with a link where to find colors that can be used
- Added Delay option for Input Events.
- Added a mouse speed option for Input Events.
- Fixed issue with Lifx not reconnecting after saving changes
- Fixed issue where Save and Cancel weren't floating for Twitch Extensions
- TipeeeStream connection fix
- Fixed issue where Stream Elements Twitch Gift Subs would not work correctly with variations
- Fixed issue where Mac wouldn't be able to be minimized after maximized
- Fixed issue where copying a Twitch Point command would copy over it's ID as well
- Fixed Middle Click for Input Events
- Fixed Keylight not working for IPV6 ip addresses. Will require a new connection to keylights as well as replacing them in Default state/commands
- Fixed issue with Studio Animations changing brightness would drag the complete item
- Fixed issue with Studio Scenes not being able to be dragged after removing them from the list
Touch Portal, Input Events, OBS Scene Item Visibility
- Touch Portal is now only a click away with Lumia Stream integration
- Input Events can now be used with Commands and Alerts. Give your chat the ability to trigger keybinds, change the mouse position, right and left click, and much more. (This featureis currently only available on Windows)
- OBS Scene Item Visibility. When a source becomes visible you can have Lumia trigger different alerts based on the source being rendered
- Youtube Chatbot is ready to rumble. Connect to Youtube by going to Connections > Edit Youtube, and enabling the Chatbot permission
- Save and Cancel are now sticky fields, making them easier to press.
- Fuze has had a speed increase, and cpu resource usage decrease. (S/O Greebowarrior)
- Users now have the ability to select Twitch Redemptions that you've created on Twitch in Lumia
- Added option to enable / disable fast mode in the connections page
- The German translations in Lumia is now 100% translated (S/O SamWilsonTV)
- The Swedish translations in Lumia is now 90% translated (S/O CovSoche)
- The Arabic translations in Lumia is now 90% translated (S/O Uimind)
- Fixed issue with Touch Portal missing duration inside of the Studio. To get this fix you'll have to head to Connections > Touch Portal and redownload the plugin
- Fixed Issue where Twitch Points User Levels would reset after changing them
- Fixed issue where Streamdeck would not pull in values for free users
- Fixed OBS Scene Item Visible Queue bug
- Fixed sidebar not saving the last state
- Fixed issue where Twitch Follows would still be triggered if Lumia button was turned off
- Fixed issue where Lumia didn't drag properly
Trovo, Wiz, Wyze, Artnet, and Facebook Chat Bot
- This update we really wanted to focus on integration. So we gave you more options. We welcome Trovo the wise to the Lumiverse! We also now have integration to Philips Wiz, Wyze,and Facebook Chat Bot!
- Artnet is now here!
- Philips Wiz Integration is approaching our our galaxy. Connect your Wifi enabled Philips Wiz lights and smart plugs today
- Wyze lights and smart plugs can now be used with Lumia
- Facebook Chat Bot is now ready for use! You may need to reconnect to Facebook and enable all permissions. You can do this by going to Connections > Edit Facebook
- The new Command Runner is here: Open Apps, Run shell scripts, and so much more with the new command runner!
- Added colors for different languages when using Color Interactives. Checkout the full list of colors here:
- Twitch Points now has user levels, so you can filter out who is allowed to use Points or not
- Overlays can now be selected in the Manage Lights menu
- The Community tab now gives you access to upload and download audio in community items
- Added Brightness to Theme Colors
- We are cracking down on spam! Twitch follows will be tracked by who has already followed per session
- Twitch Points will now auto complete reward names when adding them inside Lumia
- Added username for Command templates on the Chat Bot
- Permanent Default options with Commands and Alerts
- Added ability to choose User Levels for Twitch Points
- Ability to Test Community items without downloading
- Added Auto Fill and Reset for Studio scene lights
- Added option to delete queue item if it gets interrupted
- Added RGB Color type to Hotkeys
- Interactive Colors will now be case insensitive
- Fixed Magichome issues for RGBIC lights
- Fixed issue where Streamdeck would not pull in values for free users
- Fixed issue where preview slots for animtions would bug out after a certain limit
- Fixed issue where Nanoleaf colors would not work in themes
- Fixed crash when going from DO_NOTHING type to color
- Fixed issue where OBS sources inside folders were not able to be seen in Lumia
- Fixed Auto Reconnect for Youtube
- Fixed Auto Reconnect for Facebook
- Fixed issue where if currency hasn't been selected it will be treated as None type
- Fixed issue where fast mode warning for lights that haven't been selected for fuze
- Fixed input fields in overlays
Lumia gets a voice box! TTS, Streamdeck Update, Voicemod, Donordrive
- Streamdeck Plugin V2 has arrived
- Trigger TTS, Chat Messages, Clear Queue, Change to a generic color and so much more with the new Streamdeck plugin
- Press and hold for 2 seconds to set a new default state
- Voicemod integration is here. Allow chat to change your voice on the fly (Connections > Services)
- TTS for alerts are now here
- Donor Drive donation alerts can now be used
- Added Streamelement Merch Alert
- Streamdeck can now be used for both Starter and Premium users
- Animations now will use cycles instead of duration. This will make it so that if you only want your animation to loop once, you can do that without calculating the total duration
- Hue fast mode is ready for prime time. Have your lights change exactly when you need them to sync with each other
- Twitch points will listen to commands with both the global chat key and without to avoid confusion
- Added option to listen to the full message to try and find the chat and channel point command, or to only accept the first word in the message. Commands > Chat > GlobalSettings
- Added twitch point and extension commands to shortcut menu
- Added a way to edit OBS, OSC, Midi, API commands without needing to delete them
- Added transition for lights off
- Added Manage Lights to reactions to choose specific lights to trigger in a reaction
- Show warning if a reaction or animation is considered too fast for your lights to handle
- Friendly names when adding lights to Scenes and Manage Lights
- Prompt when deleting a command
- Right clicking the tray icon will now display Show instead of Show/Hide so that it always brings the app to the foreground
- Updated wikis for connections
- Fixed issue where animation slots would overfill the container causing issues
- Fixed issue where Manage lights no longer showed up for Commands and Studios
- Fixed Extra Life donations not working correctly
- Fixed issue with Tiltify not connecting
- Fixed issue with Tipeeestream not connecting
- Fixed Random variations
- Fixed issue where testing twitch point commands and twitch extension commands would fail and try to test a chat command instead
- Fixed issue where Lifx lights not in a group would continuously load
- Fixed Extra Life amount not showing correctly
- Fixed Facebook Reaction issues
- Fixed username not showing correctly for Streamlabs Donations
- Fixed Numpad Hotkeys issue
- Fixed Studio Scenes and Manage lights where removing lights would cause issues with the drag and drop
- Fixed Animations not working correctly from Streamdeck when using cycles
- Fixed Tiltify not connecting when there is no campaign connected. Now it will just send a message in the logs
Alert Fixes, Variation fixes, new Alert page UI
- Hotkeys available for Starter and Premium users now
- Twitch bits will show an error if your connection doesn't have permission to view bits. If you get this error, reconnect to Twitch by going to Connections > Twitch
- OBS and SLOBS alerts will be turned off by default as it was causing confusion for too many users, this is separate from OBS and SLOBS triggers. You can renable the OBS alerts, sayif you switch an OBS scene, by going to Alerts > OBS
- Added OSC Int option
- Added OSC Remote Address option
- For Fuze on Windows you will now be able to listen to desktop outputs as well as any inputs. Mac will listen to Audio inputs as there is a limitation from Apple where the outputcan't be listened to
- Fuze will also now have it's own audio selection under Studio > Fuze, we'll be removing the Audio Input under Settings as it's now rendered useless
- Animations slots can now be dragged and dropped into different places
- Lumia Chat Bot can now relay what's going on when a Twitch Extension is redeemd in chat
- Twitch Extensions will now be enable by default to avoid any confusion, you can change Twitch Extension settings uder Chat > Twitch Extensions
- Added test button to base alerts
- Cleaned up the UI for Alert Settings
- Added tooltip to Shortcuts menu
- Updated the auth roadmap
- Added an option to reset all devices in case they're in a bad shape
- Fixed issue with devices always showing as off, you may have to go to the commands and alerts that you've added devices and toggle them for the fix to take effect
- Fixed major issues with Alerts not triggering
- Major fixes to Alert variations that was causing most alerts to just not work
- Fixed issue where Hotkeys, Streamdeck, and the API would revert back immediately after changing if Dynamic Default was off, now it will stay running if it's a valid default
- Fixed issue where transitions wouldn't show for Animation Editor
- Fixed issue where Audio output wasn't being respected for Chat Commands
- Fixed issue where Scenes transitions wouldn't work inside animations
- Fixed both SLOBS alerts and Commands
- Fixed Alerts not respecting whether the base alert was on or not
- Fixed Govee showing wrong error message when devices not found
- Fixed issue with Cololight not working correctly
- Fixed issue where Youtube Members weren't being triggered. Now Members will equal a Twitch Subscriber in the User levels
- Fixed issue where Streamdeck wouldn't trigger studios that weren't lowercased. Now it'll handle both
- Fixed crash issue that stemmed from OBS and SLOBS
- Fixed bug where Lifx themes couldn't change the period
Official Stable Release
- The real V5 is here! Thank you all for your patience while we got things in order. We've learned a lot from these updates and have introduced optional updates, silent updatealerts, and a real beta program. We're looking forward to showing you all what we have in store in the coming months. Stay Luminated :)
- Did you know we have an in-app tutorial? This can be accessed by clicking Help in the Top menu bar and select Start Tutorial
- To get Twitch Extensions working, make sure to toggle it on under Chat > Twitch Extensions > Global State
- Optional Updates are now available and will no longer stop the app from running)
- Renamed Thingamabot just to Chat Bot since it will now show up as Lumia Stream in chat. Make sure to mod LumiaStream so that it can relay information in chat
- Moved the Unsaved Changes to the middle bottom, so it isn't blocking buttons
- When adding a chat commands or twitch points command it will now be added to the top of the list instead of the bottom
- We realized the biggest bugs that have been coming in is because Animations were being considered a valid Dynamic Default when this wasn't the case in the old app, so until thingsare stable we will bring things back to how the old app use to work by not having animations be a valid default state
- Added Twitch Point Commands to Hotkeys
- Added Twitch Extension Commands to Hotkeys
- Fixed bug where Twitch Points wouldn't work if the Whispers permission wasn't granted on auth
- Fixed issue where lights wouldn't turn back to normal if not using queue
- Fixed issue where keylight temperature couldn't be typed
- Fixed Streamelements Twitch Subscriber Tests
- Fixed Twitch Preference subscribers not using the correct gift amounts, Gifts will only work if preference is set to Twitch for now
- If Lumia Power button is pressed or Streamdeck Off button is pressed the Queue will now clear
- When a command is using a type that does not have brightness or transitions, it will be hidden
- All Chat logs will not display if the Setting is unchecked in the Settings page
- Fixed bug that wouldn't work with donations because of currency, now it should take in the currency correctly
- Fixed bug where studio values wouldn't show in hotkeys
Major bug fixes part 3
- Make sure you haven't set any specifics if your Twitch Points aren't triggering
- If you want to use Twitch Extensions, enable it by going to Chat > Twitch Extensions and turning on Global State
- Fixed Reactions and Hypes not reverting back to the default state after
- Fixed Twitch Points not respecting the Generic points
- Fixed Streamdeck issues not triggering on Lumia
- Fixed Streamdeck not showing Studio Scenes
- Streamdeck will now be considered right below a system command, so it will always be pushed to the top of the queue
- Fixed crash that was happening for Smartlife devices
- Fixed issue where setting a command without a value would cause the app to not do anything, now a popup will show before saving a command without a value
Major bug fixes part 3
- Make sure you haven't set any specifics if your Twitch Points aren't triggering
- If you want to use Twitch Extensions, enable it by going to Chat > Twitch Extensions and turning on Global State
- Fixed Reactions and Hypes not reverting back to the default state after
- Fixed Twitch Points not respecting the Generic points
- Fixed Streamdeck issues not triggering on Lumia
- Fixed Streamdeck not showing Studio Scenes
- Streamdeck will now be considered right below a system command, so it will always be pushed to the top of the queue
- Fixed crash that was happening for Smartlife devices
- Fixed issue where setting a command without a value would cause the app to not do anything, now a popup will show before saving a command without a value
Major bug fixes part 2
- Twitch Points will no longer show point values if Direct is on since this does not use point values
- Make sure you haven't set any specifics if your Twitch Points aren't triggering
- If you want to use Twitch Extensions enable it by going to Chat > Twitch Extensions and turning on Global State
- Fixed Studio Animations, Themes, Scenes not staying after triggering via hotkey/streamdeck/api
- Fixed Dynamic Default for chat reactions sticking on last slot
- Fixed Fixed issue where when queue is disabled commands wouldn't trigger correctly
- Fixed issue where welcome screen will show everytime. Now it'll show only one last time :)
- Fixed issue where lights and devices wouldn't turn off on quit of the app
- Fixed TPlink, Tuya, and Smartlife devices not being able to be selected
- Fixed Smartlife lights not being added when selected. There's a timer of 10 minutes that both Tuya and Smartlife have, so you can only search for new lights and devices every 10minutes
- We're hard at work getting the app stable and all of the remaining issues fixed, please bare with us a little longer, we'll be sending an update every day until things are stableagain
Major bug fixes
- Fixed OBS and SLOBS issues
- Fixed Twitch Points not working with capital letters and points with spaces
- Fixed Hotkeys bug triggering multiple times on one click. Now it will only trigger every 400ms if held down
- Fixed Studio scenes showing up as black
- Fixed Studio animation crash when slots are empty and used as chat commands
- Fixed Elgato Keylight issues not setting the correct temperature
- Fixed TPlink, Tuya, and Smartlife devices not being able to be selected
- Fixed Smartlife lights not being added when selected. There's a timer of 10 minutes that both Tuya and Smartlife have, so you can only search for new lights and devices every 10minutes
- We're hard at work getting the app stable and all of the remaining issues fixed, please bare with us a little longer, we'll be sending an update every day until things are stableagain
Community Complete, Lifx Theme Fixes, Decimals
- Community is ready to be Uploaded and Downloaded for all different types. Share your light creations with the world. Audio coming soon ;)
- All devices are now allowed for Starter users including Keylight
- Added direction option to Lifx Themes
- When testing variations it will now go through the queue
- Adding decimal values to Studio Reactions, Animations, Commands, Scenes, and lifx themes
- Added confirm popup for when trying to delete a profile
- Added confirm popup for when trying to close a studio modal
- When using Hue fast mode it will now use the first proxy light as the first light you select
- Added a way to try out a more cpu intensive version to handle multiple lights simultaneously under Settings > Multi Mode
- Facebook Chat commands will now react much faster
- Facebook Chat will auto reconnect if disconnected
- Fixed major issue where if a queue item didn't have a correct linked value the queue would stall forever. Now if the queue ever comes across an invalid item, it will send an errorlog and then clear the complete queue list to keep things moving
- Fixed issue where Twitch whisper settings weren't working correctly
- Fixed issue where if you delete all lights out of an animation slot the slot wouldn't trigger all lights
- Fixing issue where if audio can't be found on animations and reactions it will still continue to run
- Fixed issue where Keylights weren't working for Starter users
- Fixed issue where adding an alias would stay on after you click away without pressing enter
- Fixed issue where Restriction list wouldn't lowercase the usernames after adding them
- Fixed Twitch Raids when using the Twitch preference
- Fixed Chat Bot issue where when a user activated a command it would post the message into their channel instead of yours
- Fixed Lifx Period input issue
- Fixed Hypes not respecting the Alert and Command durations, now duration will only show on the alert and commands
- Fixed issue where names on OSC, MIDI, API, and more would get cut off and not show the delete button
- Fixed Dynamic OBS and Slobs
- Fixing M1 Mac crash when trying to use Corsair
- Fixed issue where users who were previously premium weren't able to check out again after cancelling
Community Complete, Lifx Theme Fixes, Decimals
- Community is ready to be Uploaded and Downloaded for all different types. Share your light creations with the world. Audio coming soon ;)
- All devices are now allowed for Starter users including Keylight
- Added direction option to Lifx Themes
- When testing variations it will now go through the queue
- Adding decimal values to Studio Reactions, Animations, Commands, Scenes, and lifx themes
- Added confirm popup for when trying to delete a profile
- Added confirm popup for when trying to close a studio modal
- When using Hue fast mode it will now use the first proxy light as the first light you select
- Added a way to try out a more cpu intensive version to handle multiple lights simultaneously under Settings > Multi Mode
- Facebook Chat commands will now react much faster
- Facebook Chat will auto reconnect if disconnected
- Fixed major issue where if a queue item didn't have a correct linked value the queue would stall forever. Now if the queue ever comes across an invalid item, it will send an errorlog and then clear the complete queue list to keep things moving
- Fixed issue where Twitch whisper settings weren't working correctly
- Fixed issue where if you delete all lights out of an animation slot the slot wouldn't trigger all lights
- Fixing issue where if audio can't be found on animations and reactions it will still continue to run
- Fixed issue where Keylights weren't working for Starter users
- Fixed issue where adding an alias would stay on after you click away without pressing enter
- Fixed issue where Restriction list wouldn't lowercase the usernames after adding them
- Fixed Twitch Raids when using the Twitch preference
- Fixed Chat Bot issue where when a user activated a command it would post the message into their channel instead of yours
- Fixed Lifx Period input issue
- Fixed Hypes not respecting the Alert and Command durations, now duration will only show on the alert and commands
- Fixed issue where names on OSC, MIDI, API, and more would get cut off and not show the delete button
- Fixed Dynamic OBS and Slobs
- Fixing M1 Mac crash when trying to use Corsair
- Fixed issue where users who were previously premium weren't able to check out again after cancelling
Emergency Hotfix, Alert Fixes, Variation fixes, new Alert page UI
- Hotfix for alerts being reset back to base alerts, this was a major issue on our end where if you updated to 5.0.10 it would reset your alerts back to base
- We're trying to find a way to revive old settings, but if you can't wait, you can go to each of your alerts and set a type and value different than DO_NOTHING
- Hotkeys available for Starter and Premium users now
- Twitch bits will show an error if your connection doesn't have permission to view bits. If you get this error, reconnect to Twitch by going to Connections > Twitch
- OBS and SLOBS alerts will be turned off by default as it was causing confusion for too many users, this is separate from OBS and SLOBS triggers. You can renable the OBS alerts, sayif you switch an OBS scene, by going to Alerts > OBS
- Added OSC Int option
- Added OSC Remote Address option
- For Fuze on Windows you will now be able to listen to desktop outputs as well as any inputs. Mac will listen to Audio inputs as there is a limitation from Apple where the outputcan't be listened to
- Fuze will also now have it's own audio selection under Studio > Fuze, we'll be removing the Audio Input under Settings as it's now rendered useless
- Animations slots can now be dragged and dropped into different places
- Lumia Chat Bot can now relay what's going on when a Twitch Extension is redeemd in chat
- Twitch Extensions will now be enable by default to avoid any confusion, you can change Twitch Extension settings uder Chat > Twitch Extensions
- Added test button to base alerts
- Cleaned up the UI for Alert Settings
- Added tooltip to Shortcuts menu
- Updated the auth roadmap
- Added an option to reset all devices in case they're in a bad shape
- Fixed issue with devices always showing as off, you may have to go to the commands and alerts that you've added devices and toggle them for the fix to take effect
- Fixed major issues with Alerts not triggering
- Major fixes to Alert variations that was causing most alerts to just not work
- Fixed issue where Hotkeys, Streamdeck, and the API would revert back immediately after changing if Dynamic Default was off, now it will stay running if it's a valid default
- Fixed issue where transitions wouldn't show for Animation Editor
- Fixed issue where Audio output wasn't being respected for Chat Commands
- Fixed issue where Scenes transitions wouldn't work inside animations
- Fixed both SLOBS alerts and Commands
- Fixed Alerts not respecting whether the base alert was on or not
- Fixed Govee showing wrong error message when devices not found
- Fixed issue with Cololight not working correctly
- Fixed issue where Youtube Members weren't being triggered. Now Members will equal a Twitch Subscriber in the User levels
- Fixed issue where Streamdeck wouldn't trigger studios that weren't lowercased. Now it'll handle both
- Fixed crash issue that stemmed from OBS and SLOBS
- Fixed bug where Lifx themes couldn't change the period
Alert Fixes, Variation fixes, new Alert page UI
- Hotkeys available for Starter and Premium users now
- Twitch bits will show an error if your connection doesn't have permission to view bits. If you get this error, reconnect to Twitch by going to Connections > Twitch
- OBS and SLOBS alerts will be turned off by default as it was causing confusion for too many users, this is separate from OBS and SLOBS triggers. You can renable the OBS alerts, sayif you switch an OBS scene, by going to Alerts > OBS
- Added OSC Int option
- Added OSC Remote Address option
- For Fuze on Windows you will now be able to listen to desktop outputs as well as any inputs. Mac will listen to Audio inputs as there is a limitation from Apple where the outputcan't be listened to
- Fuze will also now have it's own audio selection under Studio > Fuze, we'll be removing the Audio Input under Settings as it's now rendered useless
- Animations slots can now be dragged and dropped into different places
- Lumia Chat Bot can now relay what's going on when a Twitch Extension is redeemd in chat
- Twitch Extensions will now be enable by default to avoid any confusion, you can change Twitch Extension settings uder Chat > Twitch Extensions
- Added test button to base alerts
- Cleaned up the UI for Alert Settings
- Added tooltip to Shortcuts menu
- Updated the auth roadmap
- Added an option to reset all devices in case they're in a bad shape
- Fixed issue with devices always showing as off, you may have to go to the commands and alerts that you've added devices and toggle them for the fix to take effect
- Fixed major issues with Alerts not triggering
- Major fixes to Alert variations that was causing most alerts to just not work
- Fixed issue where Hotkeys, Streamdeck, and the API would revert back immediately after changing if Dynamic Default was off, now it will stay running if it's a valid default
- Fixed issue where transitions wouldn't show for Animation Editor
- Fixed issue where Audio output wasn't being respected for Chat Commands
- Fixed issue where Scenes transitions wouldn't work inside animations
- Fixed both SLOBS alerts and Commands
- Fixed Alerts not respecting whether the base alert was on or not
- Fixed Govee showing wrong error message when devices not found
- Fixed issue with Cololight not working correctly
- Fixed issue where Youtube Members weren't being triggered. Now Members will equal a Twitch Subscriber in the User levels
- Fixed issue where Streamdeck wouldn't trigger studios that weren't lowercased. Now it'll handle both
- Fixed crash issue that stemmed from OBS and SLOBS
- Fixed bug where Lifx themes couldn't change the period
Mask Off
- Major Facelift... Mask Off
- Twitch Extensions are here! Head to Commands > Twitch Extensions to add it to your stream. Make sure you turn it on as well in that page
- (Premium) Chat Commands now have Aliases
- Ability to enter chat commands anywhere in the message. No longer has to be the first word in chat
- (Premium) Ability to add users inside specific User Groups
- Twitch VIPS User Levels
- Dashboard Stats for different Alerts, Commands, Twitch Points, and Twitch Extensions. More coming soon
- Quick Menu that always sits in your tray to quickly trigger commands or alerts in Lumia without needing to open it up
- Work in progress: App has been mostly translated in Spanish, Arabic, French, Swedish, and Dutch. If you would like to help please reach out on discord
- (Premium) Ability to use Color Temperature for lights. Currently supports Hue, Nanoleaf, Lifx, TpLink, Tuya, Smart Lifx, WLED, and Govee
- (Premium) Variations revamp
- (Premium) Ability to make variations babsed on isSubgift, subgift amount, isPrime sub, and more
- (Premium) Ability to make variations based on currency
- (Premium) Send API requests on every alert and command! This will allow you to do things like trigger IFTTT, global or local servers, other bots, and whatever your developer handscan think of
- Free users along with Premium users will now have access to the full RGB color picker. The only catch is that free users can only create max of 5 chat commands, 5 twitch pointscomnmands, and 5 twitch extensions
- Added Random Color option to Reaction and Animation slots
- Thinamabot is now LumiaStream on Twitch. Make sure you mod Lumia so it isn't limited in the amount of commands it can send
- Native Twitch Webhooks for follows
- Thingamabot now has !lightslist which will take the place of the old !lights that lists ever command for every userlevel
- Thingamabot now has !lights which list only the commands available to the user who called the !lights command
- Stats can now be found on the dashboard
- Queue Order Flow: Change your rankings to set what activites are more important than other
- OSC Float Paths now can be used
- Hex Color added to our API
- Animations has recieved a major facelift adding individual options inside each slot
- If you have an audio at the start of your animation, the animation won't start until the audio does
- Added ability to select permissions for each platform that you're trying to use
- User Levels can now be selected individually
- Settings no longer need to be returned to home in order to persist settings
- Create, Renew, and Cancel Premium Subscriptions all within the Lumia Stream desktop app
- When adding a Hue Scene under a Lumia Theme, you'll now be presented with the room the scene is located in
- Audio now starts playing at the same time as an animation starts
- Free as well as premium users can now use Keylights within Lumia
- Updated the global cooldowns where if a user is in the bypass list and they trigger a command it won't overwrite the other users cooldowns
- Ability to checkout Premium directly in app as well as view invoices
- Tuya and Smart Life are now their own entities, so you can add both if you need to
- Helpful Tutorials when the app is used for the first time
- Overlays will keep track of last color that was triggered and use that when it's reloaded
- Import Chat Commands into Twitch Points and Twitch Extension commands
- Cooldown visuals on dashboard
- Queue visuals on dashboard
- Midi and OSC default states
- Ability to delete your own comments in Community and Edit
- Fixed issue where app wouldn't automatically restart after updating on Mac OS Big Sur
- Fixed issue where some TPLink plugs weren't being discovered
- Fixed Facebook chat username not showing up
- Fixed Interactives not working with Twitch Points
- Fixed Overlay Shadows not rendering
- Fixed issue where second window will open when pressing key combinations
- And so much more