Chat commands
Click on a command to copy
- !dammmWho can trigger it:
- !patrickWho can trigger it:
- !tattooWho can trigger it:
- !kindaWho can trigger it:
- !doitWho can trigger it:
- !leedleWho can trigger it:
- !allthisdamageWho can trigger it:
- !clownWho can trigger it:
- !proudWho can trigger it:
- !almostWho can trigger it:
- !legendWho can trigger it:
- !haderWho can trigger it:
- !splatWho can trigger it:
- !jointWho can trigger it:
- !420Who can trigger it:
- !potatoWho can trigger it:
- !jpishighWho can trigger it:
- !botsWho can trigger it:
- !bananacatWho can trigger it:
- !pikaWho can trigger it:
- !pokeWho can trigger it:
- !catchemWho can trigger it:
- !squirtleWho can trigger it:
- !dabherWho can trigger it:
- !fwendWho can trigger it:
- !armcastWho can trigger it:
- !holidayWho can trigger it:
- !dekkoWho can trigger it:
- !caitlinWho can trigger it:
- !botsnshotsWho can trigger it:
- !bjWho can trigger it:
- !cleanWho can trigger it:
- !stueystueyWho can trigger it:
- !tummyWho can trigger it:
- !hoedWho can trigger it:
- !spriteWho can trigger it:
- !rawWho can trigger it:
- !bonerWho can trigger it:
- !needWho can trigger it:
- !hubWho can trigger it:
- !milkWho can trigger it:
- !eveningWho can trigger it:
- !sexWho can trigger it:
- !kirbyWho can trigger it:
- !hawktuahWho can trigger it:
- !findoutWho can trigger it:
- !elsaWho can trigger it:
- !thefuhWho can trigger it:
- !wallawallaWho can trigger it:
- !gohereWho can trigger it:
- !pedroWho can trigger it:
- !weinerWho can trigger it:
- !nutWho can trigger it:
- !kekwWho can trigger it:
- !germanWho can trigger it:
- !brefastWho can trigger it:
- !dumpyWho can trigger it:
- !trumpWho can trigger it:
- !znoctemWho can trigger it:
- !didiWho can trigger it:
- !booWho can trigger it:
- !smdWho can trigger it:
- !stfuWho can trigger it:
- !dueceWho can trigger it:
- !birthdayWho can trigger it:
- !simpWho can trigger it:
- !fuckedupWho can trigger it:
- !hideyokidsWho can trigger it:
- !wutangWho can trigger it:
- !howyoudoinWho can trigger it:
- !yellWho can trigger it:
- !saladWho can trigger it:
- !nooooWho can trigger it:
- !yousureWho can trigger it:
- !whooWho can trigger it:
- !hemanWho can trigger it:
- !rickgrimesWho can trigger it:
- !stopitWho can trigger it:
- !domdomWho can trigger it:
- !rickrollWho can trigger it:
- !ghostWho can trigger it:
- !uwuWho can trigger it:
- !arraWho can trigger it:
- !turtleWho can trigger it:
- !aroundWho can trigger it:
- !wickWho can trigger it:
- !cabsWho can trigger it:
- !unbelievableWho can trigger it:
- !justdoitWho can trigger it:
- !runWho can trigger it:
- !evilWho can trigger it:
- !omgwowWho can trigger it:
- !surpriseWho can trigger it:
- !jiggleWho can trigger it:
- !violinWho can trigger it:
- !loserWho can trigger it:
- !turnmeonWho can trigger it:
- !ronWho can trigger it:
- !trapWho can trigger it:
- !araaraWho can trigger it:
- !runningWho can trigger it:
- !stopWho can trigger it:
- !againWho can trigger it:
- !mibWho can trigger it:
- !pantsWho can trigger it:
- !sobWho can trigger it:
- !shutupWho can trigger it:
- !youwhatWho can trigger it:
- !sheeshWho can trigger it:
- !cancelledWho can trigger it:
- !diedWho can trigger it:
- !shotWho can trigger it:
- !suckWho can trigger it:
- !shesaidWho can trigger it:
- !jesusWho can trigger it:
- !damageWho can trigger it:
- !blazeWho can trigger it:
- !chillingWho can trigger it:
- !cashmeWho can trigger it:
- !nogodWho can trigger it:
- !RewindWho can trigger it:
- !eternityWho can trigger it:
- !drugsWho can trigger it:
- !daddychillWho can trigger it:
- !60Who can trigger it:
- !meeseeksWho can trigger it:
- !vincentWho can trigger it:
- !saxWho can trigger it:
- !weakWho can trigger it:
- !fireWho can trigger it:
- !dubWho can trigger it:
- !ripWho can trigger it:
- !imaginationWho can trigger it:
- !aceWho can trigger it:
- !byeWho can trigger it:
- !jokerWho can trigger it:
- !oofWho can trigger it:
- !purplerainWho can trigger it:
- !redalertWho can trigger it:
- !pikachuWho can trigger it:
- !simonWho can trigger it:
- !maskWho can trigger it:
- !ScreenshotWho can trigger it:
- !rainbowWho can trigger it:
- !helloWho can trigger it:
- !heroWho can trigger it:
- !sprayWho can trigger it:
- !grossWho can trigger it:
- !moistWho can trigger it:
- !hotWho can trigger it:
- !problemWho can trigger it:
- !lmaoWho can trigger it:
- !wowWho can trigger it:
- !bruhWho can trigger it:
- !yayWho can trigger it:
- !errorWho can trigger it:
- !newsWho can trigger it:
- !uglyWho can trigger it:
- !redWho can trigger it:
- !greenWho can trigger it:
- !blueWho can trigger it:
- !pinkWho can trigger it:
- !purpleWho can trigger it:
- !aquaWho can trigger it:
- !orangeWho can trigger it:
- !yellowWho can trigger it:
- !flashWho can trigger it:
- !policeWho can trigger it:
- !rgbWho can trigger it:
Chat bot commands
- !commandsDescription:
Show the list of commands that can be used
Who can trigger it: - !promoDescription:
Send a shoutout to a user with !so user. Create a shoutout layer our overlays to also display the target user's video
Who can trigger it: - !joinDescription:
Enter the current viewer queue
Who can trigger it: - !rouletteDescription:
Play roulette game
Who can trigger it: - !duelDescription:
Play duel game
Who can trigger it: - !slotsDescription:
Play slots game
Who can trigger it:
Twitch Points Commands
- red100Who can trigger it:
- tts100Description:
Send a Text To Speech message
Who can trigger it: - first100Description:
Only one person can redeem this everytime you stream
Who can trigger it: - onlyonce100Description:
Every user can only trigger this one time
Who can trigger it:
Twitch Extensions Commands
- cash-me-outside-how-bow-dah1000
- streamer-is-hot1000
- doubting-boy1000
- rip1000
- beautiful-in-an-ugly-way1000
- mysterious-homer1000
- just-wow1000
- no-god-please-no1000
- this-is-disgusting1000
- spiderman-laugh1000
- a-eternity-later1000
- moist-jumpscare1000
- red100
- green100
- blue100
- tts100Description:
Send a Text To Speech message