Chat commands
Click on a command to copy
- !merchDescription:
Allows everyone to call the link to checking out the merch shop!
Aliases!shop!fw!forthwall!goodsWho can trigger it: - !balatroDescription:
renown Indie game Balatro inspired mini game for twitch chat!
Who can trigger it: - !discordDescription:
Allows anyone to summon the discord link to join the server.
Aliases!diss!cord!discrodWho can trigger it: - !brbDescription:
Mods/Broadcaster/VIPs/Subs random set (3) Streamers to Shoutout for a Mini Show while brb/afk
Who can trigger it: - !titleDescription:
Allows Mod/Broadcaster to update Twitch Stream Title
Aliases!settitle!updatetitle!titleupdate!titlesetWho can trigger it: - !setgameDescription:
Mods/Broadcaster are able to update the twitch game category
Aliases!game!gameset!category!categoryset!setcategoryWho can trigger it: - !lurkDescription:
Lets viewers notify the streamer they will be afk
Aliaseslurk!lurkylurkyWho can trigger it:
Chat bot commands
- !soDescription:
Send a shoutout to a user with !so user. Create a shoutout layer our overlays to also display the target user's video
Who can trigger it: