Chat commands
Click on a command to copy
- !TYPEVIPWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3FiredAliaseshotdro3FiredWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3BLANKIEAliaseshotdro3BLANKIEWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3MeesAliaseshotdro3MeesWho can trigger it:
- !upgradeWho can trigger it:
- !1Who can trigger it:
- !xKARMAx420xvtAliases@xKARMAx420xvtWho can trigger it:
- !joyousdeath85Aliases@joyousdeath85Who can trigger it:
- !hotdro3CRASHINGAliaseshotdro3CRASHINGWho can trigger it:
- !RIVALpredWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3NUGGIEAliaseshotdro3NUGGIEWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3MnkAliaseshotdro3MnkWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3PepeAliaseshotdro3PepeWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3WowAliaseshotdro3WowWho can trigger it:
- !hotdropfpsAliases@hotdropfpsWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3PEPECRYAliaseshotdro3PEPECRYWho can trigger it:
- !weeklyWho can trigger it:
- !codeAliases!vastWho can trigger it:
- !plug4onWho can trigger it:
- !plug4offWho can trigger it:
- !lobbyWho can trigger it:
- !giveawayWho can trigger it:
- !plug1+3onWho can trigger it:
- !plug1+3offWho can trigger it:
- !xmasrandomcallWho can trigger it:
- !imsingingWho can trigger it:
- !favecolorWho can trigger it:
- !dadworksWho can trigger it:
- !cottonheadedWho can trigger it:
- !plug3offWho can trigger it:
- !plug3onWho can trigger it:
- !plug2offWho can trigger it:
- !plug2onWho can trigger it:
- !plug1offWho can trigger it:
- !plug1onWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3ClipitAliaseshotdro3ClipitWho can trigger it:
- !teamhdWho can trigger it:
- !pcWho can trigger it:
- !StarforgeWho can trigger it:
- !ytcode10000Who can trigger it:
- !ifinallygaveinAliases@ifinallygaveinWho can trigger it:
- !hideraffleWho can trigger it:
- !showraffleWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3HawkAliaseshotdro3HawkmoistWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3BangerAliaseshotdro3BangerWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3SadboyAliaseshotdro3SadboyWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3ShakeitAliaseshotdro3ShakeitWho can trigger it:
- !gzwpredWho can trigger it:
- !brbWho can trigger it:
- !chatWho can trigger it:
- !liveWho can trigger it:
- !hd2predWho can trigger it:
- !fortpredWho can trigger it:
- !apexpredWho can trigger it:
- !squirt-offWho can trigger it:
- !squirt-onWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3ChanclaAliaseshotdro3ChanclaWho can trigger it:
- !Shoot Chris!Who can trigger it:
- !Shoot Chris! Rapid Fire!Who can trigger it:
- !Active Viewer RaffleAliaseshotdro3BarberWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3YonnyAliaseshotdro3YonnyyonnyWho can trigger it:
- !tofuAliasestofutoefuutoefooWho can trigger it:
- !launcher-offWho can trigger it:
- !launcher onWho can trigger it:
- !xSeBadasstianxAliasesseabasssea bass@xSeBadasstianxWho can trigger it:
- !hotdro3PopAliaseshotdro3PopWho can trigger it:
- !ReginaPhalange5Aliasesregina@ReginaPhalange5Who can trigger it:
- !BANGER!!!Who can trigger it:
- !lazyllamaAliases@LazyLlama013Who can trigger it:
- !culoAliasesculo@culodutyWho can trigger it:
- !hiroishiAliaseshirohiroishi@hiroishi21Who can trigger it:
- !bubbersAliases@bubbers1337bubbersWho can trigger it:
- !vol60Aliasesvol60vol 60volume 60Who can trigger it:
- !vol40Aliasesvol40vol 40volume 40Who can trigger it:
- !vol30Aliasesvol30vol 30volume 30Who can trigger it:
- !SWAliasesswWho can trigger it:
- !ActiveJoinCommandDescription:
SW join command
Who can trigger it: - !vol20Aliasesvol20vol 20volume 20Who can trigger it:
- !vol50Aliasesvol50vol 50volume 50Who can trigger it:
- !hotdro3SureAliaseshotdro3SureWho can trigger it:
- !raffle calloutAliases!raffleWho can trigger it:
- !pauseWho can trigger it:
- !playWho can trigger it:
- !skipWho can trigger it:
- !SRWho can trigger it:
- !donoWho can trigger it:
- !vegetaAliasesvegetadbzdragon ballsaiyanpower upWho can trigger it:
Chat bot commands
- !raffleDescription:
Enter the current raffle
Who can trigger it: - !joinqDescription:
Enter the current viewer queue
Who can trigger it: - !loyaltyDescription:
Get current points balance
Who can trigger it: - !rouletteDescription:
Play roulette game
Who can trigger it: - !duelDescription:
Play duel game
Who can trigger it: - !slotsDescription:
Play slots game
Who can trigger it:
Twitch Points Commands
- Jeffs A Good Boy50Who can trigger it:
- Aye Venom50Who can trigger it:
- Catch These Hands100Who can trigger it:
- Pspspspspsps100Who can trigger it:
- Nachos100Who can trigger it:
- Fail50Who can trigger it:
- Sat On The Remote500Who can trigger it:
- Caulk7Who can trigger it:
- Code Raffle1AliasesrafflewaffleWho can trigger it:
- Active1Description:
SW join command
AliasesactiveACTIVEWho can trigger it: - UV2Who can trigger it:
- Do Whatever You Like100Who can trigger it:
- Random Score Roll250Who can trigger it:
- 5000 gamba points5000Who can trigger it:
- 500 Gamba Points500Who can trigger it:
- Works Everytime100Who can trigger it:
- Brotha Eww100Who can trigger it:
- It's Poo Again!100Who can trigger it:
- You're Gonna Miss25Who can trigger it:
- Die Clown25Who can trigger it:
- Go Home25Who can trigger it:
- Paint Chris100Who can trigger it:
- Ba Dum Tss50Who can trigger it:
- Windows Error100Who can trigger it:
- Will You Be My Fwiend100Who can trigger it:
- Trash Song50Who can trigger it:
- BANGER!!!10Who can trigger it:
Twitch Extensions Commands
- Flash Me10
- tornado50
- Windows Error10
- Gilf Butter10
- Jumpscare50
- Urgent Broadcast10