Chat commands
Click on a command to copy
- !meetupDescription:
If you would like to donate...
AliasesDonateMeetupWho can trigger it: - !tipDescription:
If you would like to donate...
AliasesDonateWho can trigger it: - !beastWho can trigger it:
- !elmoWho can trigger it:
- !clowningWho can trigger it:
- !narratorWho can trigger it:
- !eternityWho can trigger it:
- !paranoiaWho can trigger it:
- !3daysWho can trigger it:
- !fewWho can trigger it:
- !weinerWho can trigger it:
- !holaWho can trigger it:
- !copsWho can trigger it:
- !dukeWho can trigger it:
- !defaultDescription:
Default Lights
Who can trigger it: - !soDescription:
AliasesshoutoutWho can trigger it: - !lights-highWho can trigger it:
- !lights-midDescription:
Who can trigger it: - !wwcd2Who can trigger it:
- !ggsDescription:
Who can trigger it: - !thank__you-copyWho can trigger it:
- !thank__youWho can trigger it:
- !g-gsWho can trigger it:
- !camoblockWho can trigger it:
- !CamounblockWho can trigger it:
- !howtoplayWho can trigger it:
- !aquaWho can trigger it:
- !orangeWho can trigger it:
- !yellowWho can trigger it:
- !policeWho can trigger it:
- !lurkDescription:
AliaseslurkinglurkWho can trigger it: - !clip3Description:
Clip to Shroomz Discord
Who can trigger it: - !clip4Description:
Clip for NGD Discord
Who can trigger it: - !randomWho can trigger it:
Chat bot commands
- !rouletteDescription:
Play roulette game
Who can trigger it: - !duelDescription:
Play duel game
Who can trigger it: - !slotsDescription:
Play slots game
Who can trigger it:
Twitch Points Commands
- Cat peeking, huh?300Who can trigger it:
- Clean-Up500Who can trigger it:
- Duck Hunt Dog300Who can trigger it:
- Hola Bitches500Who can trigger it:
- I didn't do shit!300Who can trigger it:
- Nice Shot Mario30Who can trigger it:
- SHEETS500Who can trigger it:
- Song Request (NEW)20Description:
Enter artist name , - , then song title. If having issues maybe even the album name for best results. ⚠️ Don't abuse, can be removed ⚠️
Who can trigger it: - SpongeBob Don't Need It300Who can trigger it:
- Summon Funky300Who can trigger it:
- That go how you thought?300Who can trigger it:
- WTF is this?500Who can trigger it:
- We just let that happen?500Who can trigger it:
- You shut up!500Who can trigger it:
- bloody-hand-jump-scare750Who can trigger it:
- camo-nsfw500Who can trigger it:
- clean-my-screen500Who can trigger it:
- doing-the-calculations300Who can trigger it:
- face-jumpscare750Who can trigger it:
- fail--stamp300Who can trigger it:
- jesus30Who can trigger it:
- jumpscare-zombie750Who can trigger it:
- kick-camo10000Who can trigger it:
- knockout300Who can trigger it:
- my-name-is-jeff300Who can trigger it:
- mynameisryan681500Who can trigger it:
- noice300Who can trigger it:
- not-this-one1000Who can trigger it:
- ohhhhhh500Who can trigger it:
- only-for-car-chases200Who can trigger it:
- open-the-noor300Who can trigger it:
- shroomz-epic-sax300Who can trigger it:
- shut-up-meg500Who can trigger it:
- spongebob-green-screen-patrick-booing300Who can trigger it:
- spongebob-run300Who can trigger it:
- spongebob-scared300Who can trigger it:
- spongebob-why300Who can trigger it:
- thats-what-she-said300Who can trigger it:
- the-ol-280280Who can trigger it:
- tk-squad-and-kill-myself5Who can trigger it:
- you-suck-happy-gilmore500Who can trigger it:
Twitch Extensions Commands
- Send a Message and Blind Me500Description:
Send a Text To Speech message
- send-a-message-and-blind-me-copy500Description:
Send a Text To Speech message