Chat commands
Click on a command to copy
- !sonofaWho can trigger it:
- !dingWho can trigger it:
- !listenWho can trigger it:
- !clapWho can trigger it:
- !playlistWho can trigger it:
- !hydrateWho can trigger it:
- !bathroomWho can trigger it:
- !nerdWho can trigger it:
- !booWho can trigger it:
- !regimentWho can trigger it:
- !socialsWho can trigger it:
- !cheersWho can trigger it:
- !lumiaWho can trigger it:
- !AOLWho can trigger it:
- !whipWho can trigger it:
- !happyWho can trigger it:
- !sadWho can trigger it:
- !mutedWho can trigger it:
- !morphinWho can trigger it:
- !lolWho can trigger it:
- !srWho can trigger it:
- !10Who can trigger it:
- !20Who can trigger it:
- !30Who can trigger it:
- !40Who can trigger it:
- !50Who can trigger it:
- !60Who can trigger it:
- !70Who can trigger it:
- !80Who can trigger it:
- !90Who can trigger it:
- !maxWho can trigger it:
- !pauseWho can trigger it:
- !playWho can trigger it:
- !skipWho can trigger it:
- !zeldarainWho can trigger it:
- !vegetaWho can trigger it:
- !mibWho can trigger it:
- !suckWho can trigger it:
- !gokuWho can trigger it:
- !bedWho can trigger it:
- !idwalkWho can trigger it:
- !hackermanWho can trigger it:
- !everybodydancenowWho can trigger it:
- !haveyoueverWho can trigger it:
- !gotemWho can trigger it:
- !sweatingWho can trigger it:
- !clipDescription:
Will randomly choose a color
Who can trigger it: - !tacobellWho can trigger it:
- !fartWho can trigger it:
- !ufcWho can trigger it:
- !bulgeWho can trigger it:
- !fireballWho can trigger it:
- !birthdayWho can trigger it:
- !drumrollWho can trigger it:
- !noobWho can trigger it:
- !rekdWho can trigger it:
- !cashWho can trigger it:
- !redWho can trigger it:
- !greenWho can trigger it:
- !blueWho can trigger it:
- !pinkWho can trigger it:
- !purpleWho can trigger it:
- !aquaWho can trigger it:
- !orangeWho can trigger it:
- !yellowWho can trigger it:
- !policeWho can trigger it:
- !rgbWho can trigger it:
- !randomWho can trigger it:
Chat bot commands
- !soDescription:
Send a shoutout to a user with !so user. Create a shoutout layer our overlays to also display the target user's video
Who can trigger it: - !raffleDescription:
Enter the current raffle
Who can trigger it: - !titleDescription:
change stream title
Who can trigger it: - !categoryDescription:
change category
Who can trigger it: - !emotesDescription:
emotes only
Who can trigger it: - !markerDescription:
stream marker
Who can trigger it: - !joinqDescription:
Enter the current viewer queue
Who can trigger it: - !pointsDescription:
Get current points balance
Who can trigger it: - !rouletteDescription:
Play roulette game
Who can trigger it: - !duelDescription:
Play duel game
Who can trigger it: - !slotsDescription:
Play slots game
Who can trigger it:
Twitch Points Commands
- jay-bob200Who can trigger it:
- fill-up200Who can trigger it:
- revenge-of-the-nerds200Who can trigger it:
- alternating-catjam-15200Who can trigger it:
- needy-cat200Who can trigger it:
- negan-kills-the-camera-man200Who can trigger it:
- negan-arrives-at-alexandria200Who can trigger it:
- mysterious-homer200Who can trigger it:
- pokemon-encounter-195141200Who can trigger it:
- super-mario-64-death200Who can trigger it:
- playstation-1-startup-sound200Who can trigger it:
- clean-my-screen200Who can trigger it:
- roulette1000Who can trigger it:
- maulmask50000Description:
equip maul mask foe 2 hours - timer activates as soon as it's on!!
Who can trigger it: - smoke1000Who can trigger it:
- beerisgood1000Who can trigger it:
- negan200Who can trigger it:
- negan-welcome-to-a-brand-new-beginning200Who can trigger it:
- deadpool_csyfer200Who can trigger it:
- get-rekt-noob100Who can trigger it:
- do-or-do-not200Who can trigger it:
- big-pile-of-shxt200Who can trigger it:
- yoda-screaming-meme200Who can trigger it:
- bob-ross-beat-the-devil-out-of-it200Who can trigger it:
- rick-grimes-oh-no200Who can trigger it:
- hub200Who can trigger it:
- hawk-tuah-girl200Who can trigger it:
- cleaning-your-screen200Who can trigger it:
- blood200Who can trigger it:
- tyler1-screaming200Who can trigger it:
- nun-jump-scare200Who can trigger it:
- interesting21999Who can trigger it:
- obi-hello1Who can trigger it:
- star-wars-x-wing-attack200Who can trigger it:
- booooo200Who can trigger it:
- mario-sunshine-too-bad200Who can trigger it:
- burning-fire200Who can trigger it:
- interesting2000Who can trigger it:
- weird-russian-singer200Who can trigger it:
- run200Who can trigger it:
- shot2000Who can trigger it:
- nintendogameboystartupintro200Who can trigger it:
- lumia-stream-pr200Who can trigger it:
- sega-intro200Who can trigger it:
- gamecube-startup200Who can trigger it:
- toasty-mortal-kombat200Who can trigger it:
- we-fuked-up200Who can trigger it:
- step-brothers--best-friends200Who can trigger it:
- maths-confused200Who can trigger it:
- pokemon-encounter200Who can trigger it:
- jumpscare-zombie200Who can trigger it:
- dumb-ways-to-die200Who can trigger it:
- exclamation200Who can trigger it:
- screaming-animal200Who can trigger it:
- he-man-yaaa-meme200Who can trigger it:
- sheesh200Who can trigger it:
- mario-guitar5000Who can trigger it:
- up-the-energy-level200Who can trigger it:
- hearts200Who can trigger it:
- simon-whistle200Who can trigger it:
- turtle-coom200Who can trigger it:
- applause50Description:
Will randomly choose a color
Who can trigger it: - kekw200Who can trigger it:
- darth-vader---fail200Who can trigger it:
- lightsaber200Who can trigger it:
- order-661000Who can trigger it:
- cooking-stream50000Description:
have roe get in the kitchen to whip somethin up - rando af - list coming soon
Who can trigger it: - bloody-hand-jump-scare-230138200Who can trigger it:
- flashbang200Who can trigger it:
- no-god-please-no100Who can trigger it:
- zach-galifianakis-laugh200Who can trigger it:
- damage200Who can trigger it:
- streamer-is-hot200Description:
Will randomly choose a color
Who can trigger it: