Chat commands
Click on a command to copy
- !snoopWho can trigger it:
- !shortyweedWho can trigger it:
- !smoke4Who can trigger it:
- !financialsupportWho can trigger it:
- !sadrickWho can trigger it:
- !mrrogersWho can trigger it:
- !mmm-5936Who can trigger it:
- !shotWho can trigger it:
- !thatswhatshesaidWho can trigger it:
- !pufferfishWho can trigger it:
- !damageWho can trigger it:
- !dance-partyWho can trigger it:
- !rainbow-raveWho can trigger it:
- !thunderstormWho can trigger it:
- !telekom-magentaWho can trigger it:
- !pinkWho can trigger it:
- !retro-morse-codeWho can trigger it:
- !tekno-255215Who can trigger it:
- !partyDescription:
issa party
Who can trigger it: - !flashbangDescription:
water heater go boom
Who can trigger it: - !mmmWho can trigger it:
- !icecreamsogoodWho can trigger it:
- !getbannedWho can trigger it:
- !speedongreenWho can trigger it:
- !stonecoldWho can trigger it:
- !tinatwerkWho can trigger it:
- !themuffinmanWho can trigger it:
- !spongebobscreamWho can trigger it:
- !spongefluteWho can trigger it:
- !turtleWho can trigger it:
- !goodmorningvietnamWho can trigger it:
- !shutupbishWho can trigger it:
- !breathtakingWho can trigger it:
- !coopcamDescription:
Switch to the Cooper cam angle!
Who can trigger it: - !cam2Description:
Switch to the tracking camera!
Who can trigger it: - !billymadisonpenguinWho can trigger it:
- !maybegoodWho can trigger it:
- !terryWho can trigger it:
- !captainWho can trigger it:
- !fogWho can trigger it:
- !cheersWho can trigger it:
- !shrekroarWho can trigger it:
- !gotchabWho can trigger it:
- !ilovegoldWho can trigger it:
- !dynamitedanceWho can trigger it:
- !agunWho can trigger it:
- !overitWho can trigger it:
- !moonwalkWho can trigger it:
- !confused8Who can trigger it:
- !ohokayWho can trigger it:
- !hideyokidsWho can trigger it:
- !urmomsahoeWho can trigger it:
- !patrickilyWho can trigger it:
- !ohyesdaddyWho can trigger it:
- !daddychillWho can trigger it:
- !shoostings-Who can trigger it:
- !84yrsWho can trigger it:
- !jebusWho can trigger it:
- !peaceoutWho can trigger it:
- !imthecaptainWho can trigger it:
- !theworstWho can trigger it:
- !bubblesDescription:
Turn on the bubbles!
Who can trigger it: - !loserWho can trigger it:
- !wantedWho can trigger it:
- !hellomfWho can trigger it:
- !uruglyWho can trigger it:
- !corndogWho can trigger it:
- !evil-100151Who can trigger it:
- !drunkronWho can trigger it:
- !omgwowWho can trigger it:
- !erasemibWho can trigger it:
- !youwhatWho can trigger it:
- !ohnoWho can trigger it:
- !rickrollWho can trigger it:
- !spongetvWho can trigger it:
- !runbWho can trigger it:
- !do-itWho can trigger it:
- !confettiWho can trigger it:
- !favWho can trigger it:
- !wowWho can trigger it:
- !shut-up-and-take-my-moneyWho can trigger it:
- !spongebob-why-167237Who can trigger it:
- !youcanWho can trigger it:
- !excitedWho can trigger it:
- !fixWho can trigger it:
- !defaultWho can trigger it:
- !im-inWho can trigger it:
- !youwhattDescription:
Who can trigger it: - !maths-confusedWho can trigger it:
- !evilWho can trigger it:
- !and-dennnWho can trigger it:
- !cheering-crowdWho can trigger it:
- !run-b-runWho can trigger it:
- !surprisemfWho can trigger it:
- !aint-nobody-got-time-for-thatWho can trigger it:
- !spongebob-whyWho can trigger it:
- !just-do-itWho can trigger it:
- !fireWho can trigger it:
- !laughing-bossWho can trigger it:
- !shrek-on-toiletWho can trigger it:
- !ddDescription:
your favorite dancing dogs.. and sam
Who can trigger it: - !be-right-backWho can trigger it:
- !shutupWho can trigger it:
- !fafoWho can trigger it:
- !screaming-cowboyWho can trigger it:
- !spongebob-imaginationWho can trigger it:
- !spongebob-squarepants---maniacWho can trigger it:
- !bestfriendsWho can trigger it:
- !you-can-do-itWho can trigger it:
- !old-gregg---ever-drunk-baileys-from-a-shoeWho can trigger it:
- !turtlesWho can trigger it:
- !alottanutsWho can trigger it:
- !confusedWho can trigger it:
- !jeffWho can trigger it:
- !eternity-laterWho can trigger it:
- !catjamWho can trigger it:
- !thats-what-she-saidWho can trigger it:
- !niceWho can trigger it:
- !soft-purpleWho can trigger it:
- !cotton-candyWho can trigger it:
- !police-sceneWho can trigger it:
- !contra-10751Who can trigger it:
- !miami-viceWho can trigger it:
- !long-rainbowWho can trigger it:
- !miss-you---ticktokWho can trigger it:
- !rainbow-morse-codeWho can trigger it:
- !rollDescription:
Roll the dice with this TTS Shout out or sum
Who can trigger it: - !pinkyWho can trigger it:
- !teknoWho can trigger it:
- !merls-sceneWho can trigger it:
- !rainbow-prideWho can trigger it:
- !contraWho can trigger it:
- !become-jediWho can trigger it:
- !rainbrow-cross-fadeWho can trigger it:
- !pink-1Who can trigger it:
- !wheelWho can trigger it:
- !spinDescription:
triggers wheel spin
Who can trigger it: - !GSDescription:
Switch to Game Screen
Who can trigger it: - !discoDescription:
Trigger the disco ball
Who can trigger it: - !brbWho can trigger it:
- !resetWho can trigger it:
- !orangeWho can trigger it:
- !yellowWho can trigger it:
- !flashWho can trigger it:
- !policeWho can trigger it:
- !rgbWho can trigger it:
- !hexWho can trigger it:
- !colorWho can trigger it:
- !randomWho can trigger it:
Chat bot commands
- !soDescription:
Send a shoutout to a user with !so user. Create a shoutout layer our overlays to also display the target user's video
Who can trigger it: - !AIDescription:
Talk to Chat GPT
Who can trigger it: - !chatgptDescription:
Talk to Chat GPT
Who can trigger it: - !!enterDescription:
Enter the current raffle
Who can trigger it: - !joinqDescription:
Enter the current viewer queue
Who can trigger it: - !pointsDescription:
Get current points balance
Who can trigger it: - !rouletteDescription:
Play roulette game
Who can trigger it: - !duelDescription:
Play duel game
Who can trigger it: - !slotsDescription:
Play slots game
Who can trigger it:
Twitch Points Commands
- bubbles--lights-copy1000Description:
Let's party! Use your points to turn on both the bubbles and lights in Sam's room!
Who can trigger it: - Bubbles & Lights!1000Description:
Let's party! Use your points to turn on both the bubbles and lights in Sam's room!
Who can trigger it: - Disco Ball100Description:
Turn on the disco ball in Sam's room!
Who can trigger it:
Twitch Extensions Commands
- no-god-please-no1000
- red100
- green100
- blue100