Loyalty Points
- Username
- Platform
- Current points
- All time Points
- WikkedClownz7,014,3407,014,840
- OGMadDogg76,68077,680
- MindofSyd74,35074,350
- SM1TTYC56,66071,160
- ProPaiin69,17069,170
- MamaTByrd55,93056,930
- Kicklet53,31053,310
- AJ_AKERZ48,99048,990
- BotRix37,10037,100
- Razound35,11035,110
- RoseSkully33,88033,880
- KickBot31,83031,830
- DrillerElite25,80025,800
- Electrah23,67023,670
- FearRuthless22,88022,880
- PierogiPounder20,73020,730
- FlashCo3D19,85019,850
- JarethGoblinKing19,45019,450
- DevilAssassin18,05018,050
- LURK2417,79017,790
- MarshallAlex17,26017,260
- BrayTheReaper16,03016,030
- Samantha15,92015,920
- xoDragonKHxo11,86011,860
- AoJQnStitchCamp11,82011,820
- ZombiesZaddyZack10,96010,960
- xo_MommaBear_ox10,87010,870
- MrsDrillerElite10,65010,650
- CaliforniaOG10,32010,320
- Bigdog18488,8508,850
- CamsCrystals8,1908,190
- OxFive7,4007,400
- BlackBettyXo7,1807,180
- supermario00046,7206,720
- snippinhammer6,5006,500
- TheBeardedGuyGaming6,1306,130
- Lumin_Eris_Blackstar4,4804,480
- MZZJ4O4,3704,370
- HeyHunItsPixie4,2604,260
- TXPlowboy4,2604,260
- BadchoicesOG3,2503,250
- CourtieB3,2503,250
- Jmaack3,2503,250
- LarryMoar3,2503,250
- YahsLion3,1403,140
- Nezuko18223,1403,140
- Typical_GP3,1403,140
- Ravenbear23,1403,140
- Automatikz3,1403,140
- Dale11153,0103,010
1 - 50 of 117 items
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Time Based points
- every 10 min watchtime = +1000 lumiaPoint
- every checking per Day = +100 lumiaPoint
Userlevel based points
- get x2 lumiaPoint
- get +10 bonus lumiaPoint
- get +10 bonus lumiaPoint
- get +10 bonus lumiaPoint
- get +10 bonus lumiaPoint
- get +10 bonus lumiaPoint
- get +10 bonus lumiaPoint