Chat commands
Click on a command to copy
- !jimsanWho can trigger it:
- !jolleWho can trigger it:
- !redWho can trigger it:
- !greenWho can trigger it:
- !blueWho can trigger it:
- !pinkWho can trigger it:
- !purpleWho can trigger it:
- !aquaWho can trigger it:
- !orangeWho can trigger it:
- !yellowWho can trigger it:
- !flashWho can trigger it:
- !policeWho can trigger it:
- !rgbWho can trigger it:
- !hexWho can trigger it:
- !colorWho can trigger it:
- !randomWho can trigger it:
Chat bot commands
- !soDescription:
Send a shoutout to a user with !so user. Create a shoutout layer our overlays to also display the target user's video
Who can trigger it: - !chatgptDescription:
Talk to Chat GPT
Who can trigger it: - !raffleDescription:
Enter the current raffle
Who can trigger it: - !joinqDescription:
Enter the current viewer queue
Who can trigger it: - !pointsDescription:
Get current points balance
Who can trigger it: - !rouletteDescription:
Play roulette game
Who can trigger it: - !duelDescription:
Play duel game
Who can trigger it: - !slotsDescription:
Play slots game
Who can trigger it:
Twitch Points Commands
- laughing-seagull500Who can trigger it:
- police500Who can trigger it:
- yes-sir300Who can trigger it:
- fart3000Who can trigger it:
- hit-the-target1000Who can trigger it:
- tactical-nuke5000Who can trigger it:
- applause500Who can trigger it:
- air-horn2000Who can trigger it:
- quick-flashbang3000Who can trigger it:
- metal-pipe-falling-violently1000Who can trigger it:
- tts100Description:
Send a Text To Speech message
Who can trigger it:
Twitch Extensions Commands
- the-nun-jumpscare500
- naughty-sausage150
- hawk-tuah-girl25
- fire20
- mr-bean-1400
- tortuga-gime100
- cleaning-your-screen150
- rick-astley---goat-remix500
- hold-onto-my-fur300
- skeletondance300
- buuuuuurp250
- swat500
- thats-all-folks300
- dont-hurt-me200
- savetube200
- power-unlimited-power-v2200
- splash200
- spidey-dancing200
- catjam-short200
- laughing-red-birb200
- smokebomb200
- im-squidward200
- gatitamambo5300
- windows-10-crash300
- dom-dom-yes-yes300
- cat-kiss200
- spgelse-pige500
- schrei500
- pennywise500
- scarecrows-look500
- smoke4150
- monster-scream500
- bloody-hand-jump-scare500
- poppy-jumpscare-104202500
- Anemo50
- danger-zone50
- show-them-to-me50
- hollywood-hills100
- du-hast50
- show-them-to-me50
- baby-shark50
- oh-u-touch50
- valhalla-calling50