Chat commands
Click on a command to copy
- !saviWho can trigger it:
- !opalWho can trigger it:
- !sinWho can trigger it:
- !bobaWho can trigger it:
- !allyWho can trigger it:
- !sandraWho can trigger it:
- !wickedWho can trigger it:
- !lotusWho can trigger it:
- !jamieWho can trigger it:
- !mandyleeWho can trigger it:
- !rezWho can trigger it:
- !joeyWho can trigger it:
- !introsWho can trigger it:
- !immortalWho can trigger it:
- !enyaWho can trigger it:
- !ashWho can trigger it:
- !yeetusWho can trigger it:
- !wolfieWho can trigger it:
- !batmanWho can trigger it:
- !fridayWho can trigger it:
- !cutieWho can trigger it:
- !clownWho can trigger it:
- !whyWho can trigger it:
- !scaredWho can trigger it:
- !babyWho can trigger it:
- !spitWho can trigger it:
- !daniWho can trigger it:
- !idkWho can trigger it:
- !vibeWho can trigger it:
- !shooterWho can trigger it:
- !tacocatWho can trigger it:
- !mistressWho can trigger it:
- !booWho can trigger it:
- !duoWho can trigger it:
- !chillWho can trigger it:
- !haterWho can trigger it:
- !endWho can trigger it:
- !ayeWho can trigger it:
- !mouseeWho can trigger it:
- !gremlinsWho can trigger it:
- !pikachuWho can trigger it:
- !testmeWho can trigger it:
- !raeWho can trigger it:
- !the-office---finger-gun-sceneWho can trigger it:
- !grandpaWho can trigger it:
- !fineWho can trigger it:
- !introWho can trigger it:
- !watch-my-9mmWho can trigger it:
- !peter_griffin-danceWho can trigger it:
- !can-i-get-a-hoyaWho can trigger it:
- !lookWho can trigger it:
- !furbyWho can trigger it:
- !dougieWho can trigger it:
- !excitedWho can trigger it:
- !clutchWho can trigger it:
- !hypeWho can trigger it:
Chat bot commands
- !soDescription:
Send a shoutout to a user with !so user. Create a shoutout layer our overlays to also display the target user's video
Who can trigger it: - !raffleDescription:
Enter the current raffle
Who can trigger it: - !chatgptDescription:
Talk to Chat GPT
Who can trigger it: - !joinqDescription:
Enter the current viewer queue
Who can trigger it: - !pointsDescription:
Get current points balance
Who can trigger it: - !rouletteDescription:
Play roulette game
Who can trigger it: - !duelDescription:
Play duel game
Who can trigger it: - !slotsDescription:
Play slots game
Who can trigger it:
Twitch Points Commands
- brat-energy1000Who can trigger it:
- infinite-void500Who can trigger it:
- its-fweaky-lookin1000Who can trigger it:
- scary1000Who can trigger it:
- bottom-frag500Who can trigger it:
- badk1000Who can trigger it:
- ask-me-about-my-weiner500Who can trigger it:
- my-money-dont-jiggle-jiggle-it-folds1000Who can trigger it:
- ruun500Who can trigger it:
- open-the-noor1000Who can trigger it:
- emotional-damage-pompeii-remix1000Who can trigger it:
- spongebob-run500Who can trigger it:
- victory_screeech500Who can trigger it:
- red100Who can trigger it:
- green100Who can trigger it:
- blue100Who can trigger it:
- tts100Description:
Send a Text To Speech message
Who can trigger it: - first100Description:
Only one person can redeem this everytime you stream
Who can trigger it: - onlyonce100Description:
Every user can only trigger this one time
Who can trigger it:
Twitch Extensions Commands
- shot1000
- run-b-run25
- sandrasss50
- dbd-ghosty50
- raining-tacos-550
- for-the-boys100
- themuffinman100
- california-gurls100
- get-the-fuck-out-of-bed-bitch250
- need-you50
- animedance100
- poppy-jumpscare100
- can-i-get-a-hoya250
- peterdancing50
- 9mm-go-bang--extended100
- anime-dance-party100
- woo-battle200
- can-i-get-a-hoya-copy1000
- 9mm-go-bang--extended-copy100
- peterdancing-copy50