Loyalty Points
- Username
- Platform
- Current points
- All time Points
- happyphoenix_796,410796,410
- streamelements782,470782,470
- frostytoolsdotcom724,910724,910
- wizebot660,100660,100
- tangiabot623,960623,960
- sery_bot422,010422,010
- vamor666230,030230,030
- be_youtiful213,000213,000
- emveyp178,770178,770
- rampagerogue139,200139,200
- djabawokkie123,940123,940
- divinaaaaaa119,000119,000
- featherjoy118,710118,710
- lilemopiggy105,690105,690
- stvntykunty105,160105,160
- loftuss_99,46099,460
- queenpushycat92,42092,420
- jackalegg87,40087,400
- coffeee_queen85,10085,100
- justmedeem75,58075,580
- peanut_kaas67,97067,970
- kimishots57,35057,350
- sertachyon54,24054,240
- lostcu1ture52,84052,840
- nadijensen49,08049,080
- thazeee48,71048,710
- pownag340,96040,960
- weskerismydaddyt39,98039,980
- srhandel37,61037,610
- thedarkdemon3437,56037,560
- rebel_slasher35,38035,380
- crytechno32,33032,330
- vanillasealtv31,09031,090
- slimgekkottv29,03029,030
- xshedevilx28,34028,340
- be_youtifull28,10028,100
- degek27,93027,930
- mausieturbo125,37025,370
- tommysp125,33025,330
- me_chelle_d24,43024,430
- swhishy23,85023,850
- sjeroentje23,46023,460
- nafe0223,20023,200
- morguemistress22,97022,970
- gobletflight22,81022,810
- zeronicx_x21,94021,940
- x_hellion_x21,72021,720
- alphaafterdawn20,35020,350
- flamingheadmina20,16020,160
- gowanbeag19,35019,350
1 - 50 of 2380 items
Page 1 of 48
Time Based points
- every 10 min watchtime = +100 lumiaPoint
- every checking per Day = +100 lumiaPoint
Userlevel based points
- get x2 lumiaPoint
- get +10 bonus lumiaPoint
- get +10 bonus lumiaPoint
- get +10 bonus lumiaPoint
- get +10 bonus lumiaPoint
- get +10 bonus lumiaPoint
- get +10 bonus lumiaPoint