Chat commands
Click on a command to copy
- !brian1Who can trigger it:
- !ppDescription:
Plus Program Current Count
Who can trigger it: - !backseatDescription:
Reminder for backseat gaming
Who can trigger it: - !mad2Who can trigger it:
- !chatonDescription:
turns on chatbot automation
Who can trigger it: - !peesongDescription:
The Link to the Pee Song
Who can trigger it: - !raid2Description:
Raid Emotes for Non-Subs
Who can trigger it: - !raid1Description:
raid emotes for Subs
Who can trigger it: - !shawnWho can trigger it:
- !plusDescription:
Plus Program Info
Who can trigger it: - !subonDescription:
turns off subathon overlay
Who can trigger it: - !goalonDescription:
Turn on goal layer
Who can trigger it: - !subathonDescription:
Sub-A-Thon Info
Who can trigger it: - !suboffDescription:
turns off subathon overlay
Who can trigger it: - !markDescription:
makes a stream marker for recording
Who can trigger it: - !gamblerulesDescription:
Rules for Gambling
Who can trigger it: - !highfiveDescription:
Highfive a user
Who can trigger it: - !merchDescription:
Link for Merch Store
Who can trigger it: - !ralphsDescription:
Because Ralphs does so much
Who can trigger it: - !popDescription:
In Honor of FoFoPlay
Who can trigger it: - !donateDescription:
Donation Info
Who can trigger it: - !adhdDescription:
The correct way to say it
Who can trigger it: - !youtubeDescription:
Youtube Link
Who can trigger it: - !subDescription:
Sub Info
Who can trigger it: - !primeDescription:
prime info
Who can trigger it: - !vibetestDescription:
Check your vibe
Who can trigger it: - !hugDescription:
Hug someone
Who can trigger it: - !hugsDescription:
Hug someone
Who can trigger it: - !goaloffDescription:
Turn off goal layer
Who can trigger it: - !chatoffDescription:
turns off chatbot automation
Who can trigger it: - !8ballDescription:
The Magic 8 Ball knows all
Who can trigger it: - !reminderDescription:
A reminder for negative talk in chat
Who can trigger it: - !sneezeDescription:
counts sneezes
Who can trigger it: - !metaDescription:
Meta Gaming Reminder
Who can trigger it: - !jokeDescription:
a simple dad joke
Who can trigger it: - !stopmusicDescription:
Stops playing music
Who can trigger it: - !startmusicDescription:
Starts playing music
Who can trigger it: - !spotifyonDescription:
turns on spotify overlay
Who can trigger it: - !funnyDescription:
Daily scare Jvrnl for mods, for the Scare Master Kenny mostly lol.
Who can trigger it: - !spotifyoffDescription:
turns off spotify overlay
Who can trigger it: - !songDescription:
Now Playing
Who can trigger it:
Chat bot commands
- !soDescription:
Send a shoutout to a user with !so user. Create a shoutout layer our overlays to also display the target user's video
Who can trigger it: - !serverDescription:
info to join the purplerp discord
Who can trigger it: - !pointsDescription:
Get current points balance
Who can trigger it: - !discordDescription:
Discord Link
Who can trigger it: - !socialsDescription:
Link to Socials
AliasessocialtiktokfacebooktwitterWho can trigger it: - !subcountDescription:
Gives the number of subs the channel has
Who can trigger it: - !gambleDescription:
Gamble your points away
AliasesgambleWho can trigger it: - !duelDescription:
Play duel game
Who can trigger it: - !slotsDescription:
Play slots game
Who can trigger it:
Twitch Points Commands
- Posture Check100Description:
I straighten up - thanks!
Who can trigger it: - timeout a mod200000Description:
Enter the mod's full username to time them out
Who can trigger it: - Timeout someone100000Description:
Enter the user's full username to time them out
Who can trigger it: - VIP for a Month100000Who can trigger it:
- JVRNL Jukebox5000Description:
Enter Spotify Link or Song Title and Artist
Who can trigger it: - elmo-cop9000Who can trigger it:
- Camera Off5000Description:
turns Jvrnl camera off
Who can trigger it: - Camera On5000Description:
turns Jvrnl camera on for 3 mins
Who can trigger it: - too-bad---mario2499Who can trigger it:
- Make me say something in RP6000Description:
Give JVRNL something to say in RP
Who can trigger it: - gta-mission-respect2000Who can trigger it:
- gta-mission-failed2000Who can trigger it:
Twitch Extensions Commands
- my-money-dont-jiggle-jiggle700
- jumpscare-zombie500
- scarecrow-scare1000
- yoda-screaming1000
- flashbang500Description:
Throw a Flash bang