Chat commands
Click on a command to copy
- !refreshDescription:
Refreshes the clip player when it gets stuck. Mod/VIP only.
Who can trigger it: - !clipDescription:
Makes a clip of the stream. Mod only to start.
Who can trigger it: - !starter-commandWho can trigger it:
- !everdateDescription:
Information about the Everdate dating sim including how to back.
Who can trigger it: - !codeDescription:
Displays Lia's Epic Creator Code for the Epic store and the Fortnite Item Shop.
Aliases!epiccode!creatorcodeWho can trigger it: - !mapcodesDescription:
Displays codes for common creative maps Lia plays to get gud at Fortnite.
Aliases!map!mapcodeWho can trigger it: - !clipsDescription:
Want to have your clips featured at the end of stream? Better make some then!
Who can trigger it: - !streamfunDescription:
Displays a list of commands in chat available to different viewer levels.
Who can trigger it: - !cwmasseffectDescription:
Content warnings for the Mass Effect series.
Who can trigger it: - !shepardDescription:
All about Lia's Shepard in Mass Effect.
Who can trigger it: - !hypeDescription:
Hype hype
Who can trigger it: - !janehypeDescription:
Jane hype
Who can trigger it: - !chesterDescription:
Chester hype
Who can trigger it: - !whatsongDescription:
Ask the bot what song is playing
Who can trigger it: - !heyliaDescription:
Get Lia's attention (mods and VIPs only)
Who can trigger it: - !durdleDescription:
Posts a link to Durdle & Burdle Aminal Law Firm in chat
AliasesaminalWho can trigger it: - !supportDescription:
Posts links to Kofi and Throne wishlist in chat.
Who can trigger it: - !vyxDescription:
A shout-out for Vyxtopher
Who can trigger it: - !wingamesDescription:
For a chance to win Steam keys for PC games put !raffle in chat.
Who can trigger it: - !gamesDescription:
Displays a list of Lia's owned games
Who can trigger it: - !beanbanDescription:
When you need to bean ban someone
Aliases!beansbanWho can trigger it: - !saDescription:
When you need to shout at someone
Who can trigger it: - !pronounsDescription:
Displays a reminder for folks to set their pronouns
Who can trigger it: - !scheduleDescription:
Displays Lia's stream schedule
Who can trigger it: - !multistreamDescription:
Displays a multistream link for stream collabs
Who can trigger it: - !spoilersDescription:
Mod & VIP warning for spoilers
Who can trigger it: - !cwborderDescription:
Displays content warnings for Borderlands games
Who can trigger it: - !lurkDescription:
Displays a lurk message
Who can trigger it: - !rulesDescription:
Mod warning for rules breakers
Who can trigger it: - !groghypeDescription:
Grog hype
Who can trigger it: - !topicchangeDescription:
Let's change the subject please
Who can trigger it: - !cwstardewDescription:
Content warning for Stardew Valley
Who can trigger it: - !peachesDescription:
Peaches Place hype
Aliases!peachWho can trigger it:
Chat bot commands
- !soDescription:
Send a shoutout to a user with !so user. Create a shoutout layer our overlays to also display the target user's video
Who can trigger it: - !discordDescription:
Displays a link to the stream's discord
Who can trigger it: - !raffleDescription:
Enter the current raffle
Who can trigger it: - !joinqDescription:
Enter the current viewer queue
Who can trigger it: - !pointsDescription:
Get current points balance
Who can trigger it: - !rouletteDescription:
Play roulette game
Who can trigger it: - !duelDescription:
Play duel game
Who can trigger it: - !slotsDescription:
Play slots game
Who can trigger it:
Twitch Extensions Commands
- Disco Dance Party!100Description:
Let It Out! Let The Disco Happen!