Chat commands
Click on a command to copy
- 1-giftedsub-alertWho can trigger it:
- among-us-booty-shake--copy1000Who can trigger it:
- obi-helloWho can trigger it:
- raid-vid-obs1001Who can trigger it:
- dance-around-pikachuWho can trigger it:
- spongebob-run-1824Who can trigger it:
- flashing-nuke-3989Who can trigger it:
- how are you100Who can trigger it:
- black-86154Who can trigger it:
- light offDescription:
lights off
Who can trigger it: - jarvis-welcome-sirWho can trigger it:
- rainbow-fadeWho can trigger it:
- mine-mine-mine-mineWho can trigger it:
- beep-beepDescription:
beep beep
Who can trigger it: - flash---yeahWho can trigger it:
- bean-fingerWho can trigger it:
- bongo_cat-190212Who can trigger it:
- a-pair-of-pants-laterWho can trigger it:
- jawsWho can trigger it:
- youre-a-loserWho can trigger it:
- ulkker-hndWho can trigger it:
- dom-dom-yes-yesWho can trigger it:
- spider-77236Who can trigger it:
- maths-confused-15914Who can trigger it:
- spongebob-run-17821Who can trigger it:
- undertaker-buckle-up-teddyWho can trigger it:
- sad-johnWho can trigger it:
- bongo_catWho can trigger it:
- lights-offDescription:
lights off
Who can trigger it: - giftWho can trigger it:
- blackWho can trigger it:
- itserikusWho can trigger it:
- new-follerWho can trigger it:
- moist-jumpscareWho can trigger it:
- tortuga-gime-22665Who can trigger it:
- lazy-town-guy-18961Who can trigger it:
- shrek-on-toiletWho can trigger it:
- tortuga-gimeWho can trigger it:
- rave-crabWho can trigger it:
- mr-krabs-playling-the-smallest-violinWho can trigger it:
- maths-confused-172130Who can trigger it:
- mmmWho can trigger it:
- flashing-nukeWho can trigger it:
- thats-all-folks-9131Who can trigger it:
- fafo-88198Who can trigger it:
- lazy-town-guyWho can trigger it:
- jumpscare-zombieWho can trigger it:
- a-eternity-later-12497Who can trigger it:
- fbi-open-up-meme-7414Who can trigger it:
- spongebob-runWho can trigger it:
- meowWho can trigger it:
- windows-10-blue-screen-of-deathWho can trigger it:
- skipWho can trigger it:
- exterminateDescription:
lights out
Who can trigger it: - fafoWho can trigger it:
- pufferfishWho can trigger it:
- dumb-ways-to-dieWho can trigger it:
- fbi-open-up-meme-89162Who can trigger it:
- thats-all-folksDescription:
Will randomly choose a color
Who can trigger it: - cancelledWho can trigger it:
- scarecrows-look-1394125465432515643521357432467432Who can trigger it:
- maths-confusedWho can trigger it:
- send-in-the-grudge1214361421654132431023432135412413Who can trigger it:
- spiderWho can trigger it:
- get-rekt-noob---saltWho can trigger it:
- windows-xp-virus-spamWho can trigger it:
- windows-10-crashWho can trigger it:
- scarecrows-lookWho can trigger it:
- fbi-open-up-memeWho can trigger it:
- jump-scare-then-blank-screen-for-10-seconds2113214564256434513458411345Who can trigger it:
Chat bot commands
- uptimeDescription:
How long the stream has been live
Who can trigger it: - followageDescription:
How long a user has been following
Who can trigger it: - followerDescription:
Enter the current viewer queue
Who can trigger it: - rouletteDescription:
Play roulette game
Who can trigger it: - duelDescription:
Play duel game
Who can trigger it: - slotsDescription:
Play slots game
Who can trigger it:
Twitch Points Commands
- flashbang-copy500Who can trigger it:
- snowball500Who can trigger it:
- i-will-send-u-to-jesus500Who can trigger it:
- pedro-pedro-pedro-50500Who can trigger it:
- fbi-open-up-meme500Who can trigger it:
- spongebob-run-22435500Who can trigger it:
- pretty-girls-only500Who can trigger it:
- blue-screen2000Who can trigger it:
- clean-my-screen485Who can trigger it:
- thats-all-folks1000Description:
Who can trigger it: - starter-command100Description:
next song
Who can trigger it: - bongo_cat1000Who can trigger it:
- hydrate100Who can trigger it:
- air-horn50Who can trigger it:
- the-nun-jumpscare50Who can trigger it:
- mine-mine-mine-mine100Who can trigger it:
- jumpscare-zombie100Who can trigger it:
- bloody-hand-jump-scare50Who can trigger it:
- a-eternity-later50Who can trigger it:
- spongebob-run100Who can trigger it:
- moist-jumpscare-copy100Who can trigger it:
- starter-14105100Who can trigger it:
- starter100Description:
Who can trigger it:
Twitch Extensions Commands
- air-horn101
- bongo_cat-94254100Used from the twitch extension100Description:
- beep-beep1000
- flash---yeah20
- bean-finger1000
- a-pair-of-pants-later115
- jaws111
- youre-a-loser10
- ulkker-hnd26Description:
- dom-dom-yes-yes100Used from the twitch extension550
- spider100
- maths-confused-101191100
- goku-wasnt-me300
- bongo_cat275
- tortuga-gime-15247690
- lazy-town-guy-139214115
- shrek-on-toilet102
- rave-crab111
- mr-krabs-playling-the-smallest-violin249
- maths-confused269
- mmm112
- flashing-nuke10
- thats-all-folks10
- fafo10
- lazy-town-guy-4089249
- jumpscare-zombie10
- a-eternity-later-9223210Description:
- face-jumpscare10
- spongebob-run10Description:
- spring-bonnie-jumpscare10
- meow10
- explosion-mc-you-died10
- noot-19316810
- kids-tablet10
- lazy-town-guy10
- scarecrows-look100Used from the twitch extension10Description:
- mine-mine-mine-mine-2039310
- spotfy122